What is the disposition that you will use if you were unable to hear the caller after providing your opening spiel?
Call Terminated Early, No Response
Can the patient reset their username and password on their own?
Give the specific color for each account status:
Active - Green
Inactive - Gray
Pending - Blue
What are the 3 main patient portals of UPMC?
UPMC Central PA Portal
Based from our HIPAA Verification article, what do we do if a third-party calls in and asked for an assistance?
We ask if the patient is available to talk to. Once the patient is on the line, we verify his/her full name and DOB. And we ask: “Mr./Ms. (patient’s name) this call is being recorded. Do you give us consent to speak with (caller’s name) about your MyUPMC account?"
What are the demographics that we can update in EPIC?
You may update address, telephone number(s), and/or email address as needed.
How much is the cost for E-Visit?
What is the name of the Vida article where we can find the list of general questions with hyperlinks to further assist the caller?
General Portal Questions
Give 4 features that our patient can do in their UPMC Central PA portal account.
Schedule an appointment
Have a Video Visit/E-Visit
View Test Results
Send Message to their provider
Pay Bills
Request Prescription Refills
Set up End-of-Life Plan
Are we allowed to provide the username of the member? And are we allowed to update it?
Yes and Yes!
What is a proxy access? How can someone gain a proxy access?
An individual who has been given the right to manage the patient's health account.
Gaining proxy access can be done at their provider's office.
What are the things needed for your Case Documentation?
Call Reason, Pcs of info verified, Name of Caller & Relationship (if not the patient), Caller's Issue/Request, Resolution, & 3 Letter initials
How many attempts can the patient try to log in without getting their account deactivated?
5 attempts
What will you do if you really can't find an account in EPIC for the patient?
Get the first and last name and DOB
Probe which hospital have they been seen
What is Scheduling Tickets?
Scheduling Tickets allow patients to schedule procedures without having to call into an office. Once the order from their provider is made, patients will be notified and will be asked to schedule the procedure in their app.
Based from the Two-factor Authentication, give 4 reasons why the patient will be asked to verify again using the Two-factor Authentication.
• Use a browser in incognito (private) mode
• Use a new phone/tablet
• Clear their browser history
• Clear their browser cache
• Attempt to reset their password
• 90 days has passed since their last two-factor verification was done
What are the steps to join the video visit?
Tap Appointments and Video Visits
Click eCheck-in
Complete the workflow: Personal info, Insurance, Medications, Allergies, Health Issues, Travel History, Questionnaires, Sign Documents
What do you type in EPIC if the patient needs assistance in resetting their password?
What are the requirements for the username and the password?
Username - not that too long, easy to remember
Password - at least 8 characters with a combination of letters and numbers. No symbols required.