What does God promise us if we keep His commandments and endure to the end?
A. To be rich
B. Eternal Life
C. To have rizz and be popular
D. Unlimited Taylor Swift tickets
B. Eternal Life
Jesus Christ sent _______ to restore the _______ Priesthood.
A. Oliver Cowdery, Melchizedek
B. Santa Claus, Christmas
C. John the Baptist, Aaronic
D. Harry Styles, One Direction
C. John the Baptist, Aaronic
What are some ordinances you participate in?
A. Baptism and confirmation
B. Taking the sacrament
C. Going to Six Flags
D. A & B
E. All of the above
D. A & B
What are you doing in your life now to "bring souls unto Christ?"
A. Going to the temple and doing baptisms for the dead
B. Being a good example to those around you
C. Sharing the Gospel with your friends
D. All of the above
D. All of the above
Who were the 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon?
A. Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery
B. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy
C. Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape
D. Bishop Franson, Bro Snow, Bro Mitchell
A. Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Oliver Cowdery
What is God's great and marvelous work?
D&C 14:6
D&C 14:10
Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion.
Bring forth the fulness of the gospel.
John the Baptist called _______ and _______ his fellow servants.
D&C 13:1
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery
What is a sacred act or ceremony with God performed by the authority of the priesthood?
What did John and Peter Whitmer desire to know in D&C 15:4 and 16:4?
What would be the most worth unto them.
What did the Three Witnesses need to have in order to view the plates?
D&C 17: 2
Who was the revelation of D&C 12 meant for?
D&C 12 heading
Joseph Knight Sr.
The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the:
(3 things)
D&C 13:1
Ministering of angels, the gospel of repentance, and baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.
What are some purposes of ordinances?
Covenant with God, help us remember who we are, remind us of our duty to God, help us gain exaltation and return back to Heavenly Father.
What does the Lord teach us is the "greatest worth" in our lives?
D&C 15:6, 16:6
To declare repentance unto this people, that we may bring souls unto Him.
Sharing the Gospel with others!
Who is someone that provides evidence or a statement that something is true?
Who was the revelation of D&C 14 meant for?
D&C 14 heading
David Whitmer
How do the ordinances of the Aaronic Priesthood (such as baptism and the sacrament) help prepare the way for you to receive the Savior in your life?
Help you enter into a covenant with God and become a member of His church
Have the Holy Spirit as a companion in your life
Help you repent of your sins
Remember and follow the Savior
Immediately after coming out of the water from being baptized, what did Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery experience?
Joseph Smith History- 1:73
Great and glorious blessings from Heavenly Father
**Example of bringing souls unto Christ**
We know that the Lord uses witnesses in His work. Where else in YW do we use the word witness?
YW theme!
What does "the field is white already to harvest" mean?
D&C 12:3
D&C 14:3
People are ready to hear and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries and members of the church work to find and teach these people.
What sets our church apart from all other churches (in terms of authority from God)?
We have the same Priesthood authority that Jesus Christ held. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, John the Baptist came and conferred that same authority to Joseph Smith, etc.
What blessings has the Savior given you through priesthood ordinances?
Peace, happiness, spiritual strength, repentance, Priesthood blessings, salvation, comfort, healing, the Gift of the Holy Ghost, protection from danger, etc
Why is bringing souls unto Christ such great worth?
Bonus: What are my cat's names?
Brings JOY
Marshmallow, Poppyseed, Mochi
What can you bear witness of?
Heavenly Father loves us, Jesus Christ is our Savior, the Book of Mormon is true, etc.