The 3 Primary Colors
Red, Blue, Yellow
A line.
When one object extends over so as to cover partially.
Round form that is 3 dimensional.
We finish each others ___________
The 3 Secondary Colors
Green, Purple, Orange
A line that's direction is up and down.
Vertical Line.
Part of a picture that is closest to you.
The dark shape/outline of someone or thing that is visible against a lighter background.
Hakuna Matata!! What a _____________ ______!
wonderful phrase!
The 3 Cool Colors
Blue, Green, Purple
A line that's direction is left to right.
Horizontal Line
Blue + Green
Blue Green
The 3D form or a triangle.
A Pyramid.
I know everybody on this island seems so happy on this island. _________ ___ ___ _______.
Everything is by design.
The 3 Warm Colors
Red, Orange, Yellow
Line that defines where the sky and the ground meet.
Horizon Line
This type of paint needs a drink before it can be used.
In perspective, objects closer to you are _________.
You want thingamabobs! I got __
You get this when you add white to a color
Line that cuts an object in half where both halves are equal.
Line of symmetry.
A special oven for clay.
A type of shape or from that occurs naturally. The do not have a specific name.
Organic Shapes
A spoonful of sugar helps the ________ __ ____!
medicine go down.