Where is the CR for a PA hand?
3rd MCP
Which of the following actions will lead to the proximal radius crossing over the ulna?
Pronation of the hand
The interphalangeal joints have a(n) ____ type of joint movement.
A patient enters the ED with a possible scaphoid fracture. The patient is unable to assume the ulnar deviation position. Which of the following positions should be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
a. Gaynor-Hart
b. Jones
c. Modified Stecher
d. Coyle
Modified Stecher
Which of the carpal bones is considered to be the largest?
Where is the CR for a lateral thumb?
1st MCP joint
Grids are generally not required unless the anatomy measures greater than _____ cm in thickness
The first carpometacarpal joint is classified as a ____ joint.
a. saddle
b. ginglymus
c. plane
d. trochoidal
A patient enters the ED in severe pain with a possible dislocation of the elbow. The patient has the elbow flexed more than 90°. Which one of the following routines should be performed to confirm the diagnosis?
a. Partially flexed AP and limited lateral projections
b. Jones method and limited lateral projection
c. Coyle method and limited lateral projection
d. Lateral elbow
Which one of the following structures is NOT part of the ulna?
a. Styloid process
b. Radial notch
c. Ulnar notch
d. Coronoid tubercle
Ulnar Notch
Where is the CR for a 2nd digit?
Which specific anatomy is better visualized with a fan lateral as compared with the other lateral projections of the hand?
A ginglymus joint can also be referred to as a _____ joint.
a. trochoid
b. saddle
c. hinge
d. pivot
A patient with a fractured forearm had the fracture reduced and a fiberglass cast placed on the extremity. The orthopedic surgeon orders a postreduction study. The original (analog) kV was 60 kV. Which one of the following kV factors should be selected for the postreduction study?
a. 63 kV
b. 67 kV
c. 70 kV
d. 75 kV
Which of the following structures is considered to be most distal?
a. Radial head
b. Styloid processes
c. Radial tuberosity
d. Capitulum
Styloid Process
Which special projection of the wrist will open up the interspaces on the ulnar side of the wrist?
Radial Deviation
Which wrist ligament is attached to the styloid process of the ulna and continues to the triquetrum and pisiform?
Ulnar collateral ligament
How many joints are in the digits 2-5 ? Name them.
DIP, PIP, MCP (know what each stand for)
A patient enters the emergency department (ED) with a Smith fracture. Which region of the upper limb must be radiographed to demonstrate this injury?
a. Trapezium
b. Elbow
c. Wrist and forearm
d. Hand
Wrist and forearm
What two bony landmarks are palpated for positioning of the AP elbow?
Humeral epicondyles
What is the purpose of performing the AP partially flexed projections of the elbow?
To provide an AP perspective if the patient cannot fully extend the elbow
Most commonly fractured carpal bone
The AP oblique-bilateral hands projection (“ball-catcher’s position”) is performed to evaluate for early signs of:
a. gout.
b. osteoporosis.
c. rheumatoid arthritis.
d. bursitis.
Difference in a colles fracture and smith fracture
colles is displaced dorsally
Smith is displaced ventrally
Why is it important to keep the phalanges parallel to the IR for a PA oblique projection of the hand?
a. Prevents foreshortening of phalanges and obscuring of interphalangeal joints.
b. Prevents foreshortening of radiocarpal joint.
c. Opens up the carpometacarpal joints.
d. Demonstrates the sesamoid bones near the first interphalangeal joint.