Another word for shoulder blade
Name for all wrist bones
What is the joint on top of the humeral head
Glenohumeral Joint
Finger bones
What is the joint on the collar bone
acromioclavicular joint
"S" shaped bone in the shoulder
What is the bone that all the wrist bones sit on
What does the rotator cuff connect
The humerus to the scapula
Name of the bones in the palm
How many bones is the shoulder made up of
3 bones
Bone of the upper arm
Four bottom wrist bones
Scaphoid, Lunate, Pisiform, and Triquetrum
How many muscles are in the shoulder
4 mucles
The joint that is in between the radius and carpus
Wrist joint
What is the most mobile joint in the body
The shoulder
Smooth, round bone that connects the shoulder
How many bones make up the wrist
8 bones
Where is the shoulder joint formed
Where the humerus fits into the scapula
Function of the wrist bones
To move and twist the hand back and forth, up and down
What does the shoulder compromise of
Muscles, tendons, and joints
Medial bone of the forearm
Four upper bones of the wrist
Trapezium, Trapezoid, Hamate, and Capitate
What makes up the acromioclavicular joint
Where the collar bone meets the acromion
Number of bones in the hand
27 bones
What do the materials of the shoulder connect it to?
Connects it to the arm and the torso