Direct/Reported Speech
Short Stories
Verb Tenses
Which words go with "have" and which with "be"? good with numbers / physically fit / plenty of endurance / a lot of self discipline / a good listener / the ability to compromise
be: good with numbers, physically fit, a good listener; have: plenty of endurance, a lot of self discipline, the ability to compromise
Fill in the blank with "said" or "told": 1) I _____ my mother to leave me alone. 2) She _____ that was fine with her. 3) "Please get along!" _____ the father.
1) told 2) said 3) said
Add proper punctuation to the quotes below: How did you make that ball? asked Melissa. It’s quite simple replied Annabel. I am studying to become a doctor, so while I was working in the laboratory, I stole some chemicals. What did you do next? asked Melissa. Annabel said I combined the chemicals and made the ball!
"How did you make that ball?" asked Melissa. "It’s quite simple," replied Annabel. "I am studying to become a doctor, so while I was working in the laboratory, I stole some chemicals." "What did you do next?" asked Melissa. Annabel said, "I combined the chemicals and made the ball!"
What does "whodunnit" refer to?
A murder mystery!
Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the present perfect simple: 1) I _____ (see) "The Parent Trap" ten times. 2) _____ you ever _____ (watch) "It Takes Two?" 3) No, I _____ (not hear) of it. 4) My cousin _____ (met) the star of the movie!
1) have seen; 2) have / watched; 3) haven't heard; 4) has met
Match the verbs with their objects: set / concentrate on / put in / have / receive / training / the will to succeed / specific goals / results / a lot of practice
set specific goals; concentrate on results; put in a lot of practice; have the will to succeed; receive training
Correct this run-on sentence in three ways. I am so happy to be in English class, I can't wait for the exam!
I am so happy to be in English class. I can't wait for the exam! I am so happy to be in English class; I can't wait for the exam! I am so happy to be in English class, and I can't wait for the exam!
Convert the direct speech to reported speech. "How did you make that ball?" asked Melissa. "It’s quite simple," replied Annabel. "I am studying to become a doctor, so while I was working in the laboratory, I stole some chemicals." "What did you do next?" asked Melissa. Annabel said, "I combined the chemicals and made the ball!"
Melissa asked Annabel how she made the ball. Annabel replied that it was quite simple. Annabel was studying to become a doctor, so while she was working in the laboratory, she stole some chemicals. Melissa asked her what she did next. Annabel said that she combined the chemicals and made the ball.
What four things does a good short story include?
Introduction, Body (Background, Action/Details), and Conclusion
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect progressive: 1) I _____ (wait) for two hours! 2) _____ you _____ (do) your homework this partial? 3) My father _____ (help) me with the questions I don't understand, but the extra work _____ (not improve) my grades.
1) have been waiting; 2) have / been doing; 3) has been helping, hasn't been improving
Fill in the blank with an expression including "think": 1) What did you _____ the game last night? 2) My friends and I are _____ going camping this weekend. 3) Our teacher wants us to _____ new ways to study. 4) I can't stop _____ English!!!
think of/think about; thinking of/thinking about; think of; thinking about
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of "say" or "tell": Last week, my sister _____ me that she was failing English. She _____ that the subject was really difficult for her. I _____ her to spend more time studying, and now she's doing much better. It's like they always _____: practice makes perfect!
told ; said ; told ; say
Convert the reported speech to direct speech: I told my mother that I was going out with my friends. She claimed that I hadn't finished my homework yet. I assured her that I had been working on my homework all day, and that I was going to finish it as soon as I got home.
"I am going out with my friends," I told my mother. "But you haven't finished your homework yet," she claimed. "I have been working on my homework all day," I assured her. "I am going to finish it as soon as I get home."
What are three ways to conclude a short story?
Restatement of the main idea, related thought, or a look to the future.
Which tense do we use for each of the following: 1) to summarize experiences in a period up to now; 2) to describe longer or repeated activities - finished or not - with a result now; 3) to describe activities which started in the past and are still happening now; 4) to describe states which started in the past and continue up to now; 5) to describe finished events with a result now
1) present perfect simple; 2) present perfect progressive; 3) present perfect progressive; 4) present perfect simple; 5) present perfect simple
Rewrite the sentences so that they include an expression with "think": 1) I don't have a positive opinion of people who lie and cheat. 2) With ten years in jail, the criminal had plenty of time to consider his crime. 3) At college, we learn to form our own thoughts and opinions.
1) I don't think highly of people who lie and cheat. 2) With ten years in jail, the criminal had plenty of time to think long and hard about his crime. 3) At college, we learn to think for ourselves.
Correct the run-on sentences in the paragraph: The party last night was really fun so we stayed out very late. My mother was angry, but I apologized and now everything is fine I'm grounded for a week I'll be able to study for my partial exams.
The party last night was really fun, so we stayed out very late. My mother was angry, but I apologized and now everything is fine. Although I'm grounded for a week, I'll be able to study for my partial exams.
What tense will we see in reported speech for each of the following tenses in direct speech? present simple present progressive present perfect present perfect progressive past simple past progressive past perfect past perfect progressive
past simple past progressive past perfect past perfect progressive past perfect past perfect past perfect progressive
How would you describe the old south versus the new south in the short story "A Good Man is Hard to Find"? Name three characteristics for each side.
Old South: racism, gender inequality, emphasis on looks, little movement; New South: equality, change, progress, movement
Choose the correct form of the verb Christian has been writing since he was 10. He - has been publishing / has published - a few short stories, and he - has traveled / has been traveling - to Europe to promote his works. Recently, he - has been becoming / has become - quite popular. But right now he's very busy because he - has been working / has worked - on a new novel.
has published; has traveled; has become; has been working
Fill in the blanks with the words below: all that / while / meanwhile / however / when / finally / without a second thought ____________________ I was on vacation last month, someone broke into my house. My neighbor heard a loud crash, and ____________________ he called the police. The police, ____________________, took much longer to respond. ____________________ they ____________________ arrived, the burglars had already left. The whole neighborhood was interested in my house. ____________________, I was relaxing on the beach. I had no idea that ____________________ was happening at home!
while; without a second thought; however; when; finally; meanwhile; all that
Answer the following questions using the infinitive of purpose: Why are you studying English? Why do you go to school? Why do you go on the internet?
I study English to learn about different cultures. I go to school to study Engineering. I go on the internet to read the news.
Tell me about a fight that you had. Use direct and reported speech!
Your own answers!
What could the roadtrip represent in the story "A Good Man is Hard to Find"? Name three things!
spiritual journey, change from old to new south, journey through life, etc.
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect simple or present perfect progressive. I _____ always _____ (want) to be a singer, but I _____ only _____ (take) lessons for about two months now. I _____ (practice) two hours a day for the past month. I sent a sample of one of my songs to a radio station, and they _____ (invite) me to perform on one of their shows - I'm elated!
have / wanted; have / been taking; have been practicing; have invited