what does the dorsal scapular n innervate?
rhomboid major
rhomboid minor
levator scapulae
Which muscles are limb flexors?
I fell out of a tree and landed on the top of my arm. Now, I have trouble abducting the arm. What injury do I likely have?
Bonus 100 for nerve that is damaged.
injury: surgical neck fracture of humerus
nerve: axillary (C5-C6)
How can you test if there is ulnar damage?
ask pt to hold paper between fingers
My thumb, 2nd, 3rd digit are tingling. What nerve is damaged?
median n
what rami does the brachial plexus come from?
what muscles abduct the arm?
deltoid, teres minor, infraspinatus
Last night, I tripped and fell on an outstretched hand. Now, I can't straighten my fourth and fifth digits. What nerve did I damage?
Ulnar nerve
how can you test if there is collateral circulation around wrist?
Allen's test
Compress radial and ulnar arteries at same time, and let go one at a time seeing if color returns to the hand.
My lateral cord of the brachial plexus is damaged. What sensory symptoms will I have?
tingling/pain at the lateral forearm
Lateral cord gives rise to musculocutaneous branch which provides sensory information to the lateral forearm.
Damage to the posterior cord of brachial plexus would affect which muscles? Bonus 100 if can name the 3 actions impacted by this.
latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis
adduction, extension, and medial rotation of arm
what muscles extend the arm?
deltoid, triceps brachii
I raise my arm above my head and feel pain, numbness, and muscle weakness. What injury do I have?
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: compression of brachial plexus and subclavian artery in the thoracic outlet
Inability to abduct the arm to 15 degrees indicates damage to what muscle?
What nerve only provides sensory information to the hand, no motor?
radial nerve
What nerve does flexion and adduction of wrist? Bonus 100 if can name muscle.
ulnar nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris
loss of flexion and supination of forearm in Erb palsy indicates damage to what muscle?
biceps brachii
Last night, I got in a bar fight and they stabbed the anterior of my forearm proximal to the elbow. I tried to tell my friends I was "OK", but I couldn't make the sign. What nerve did I damage? Bonus 100 if can name the nerve it branches directly from.
anterior interosseous nerve (Kiloh-Nevin Syndrome)
branches off the median nerve.
Hand of Benediction test is diagnostic for what?
median nerve damage proximal to elbow
I have bilateral tingling on the medial sides of my hands. What spinal cord injury might I have?
posterior disc bulge compressing C8-T1.
Ulnar nerve gives the dermatome for the medial hand. The ulnar nerve receives information from C8-T1. Since there are bilateral symptoms, it is likely a problem at the spinal column.
damage to C5-C6 roots would cause paralysis of what muscles?
teres minor
The musculocutaneous nerve is severed. What symptoms will you have?
weakness in elbow/shoulder flexion, atrophy of biceps brachii, pain at lateral forearm
muscles damaged are biceps brachii, brachialis, coracobrachialis
I lost all sensation in my palm and digits 1-4.5 I also can't flex my wrist or my first three digits at all. I can flex a bit of digit 4. What syndrome do I have? Bonus 100 if can name nerve involved.
pronator teres syndrome
compression of median nerve
A patient comes in with tingling in the first three digits. They have no complaints of tingling in their palmar region. What does this presentation enable me to rule up on my differential? Why?
carpal tunnel syndrome impacting the median nerve
I can rule up that the median nerve is impacted only once it runs through the carpal tunnel, because I still have normal sensation from the proximal palmar sensory nerve.
A contestant on American Idol in 2006 was just rejected from auditions. In true American Idol fashion, she flips the bird to the camera. When doing this, she notices tingling only in that finger. What spinal root is impacting this dermatome symptom?