The rain was upon the earth for this long after Noah built the ark.
40 days and 40 nights
Genesis 7:12
How many books are in the Bible?
73 (NRSV)
I annointed David as King
Finish this verse... "For God so ___ the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever _____ in Him should not perish but have _____ life?
loved, believes, eternal/everlasting
John 3:16
Where did moses rescue the Isrealites from?
Where did the city's walls fall after the Israelites marched around it for 7 days?
What is the longest chapter in the Bible
Psalms 119
I at locusts and honey
John the Baptist
Shortest Verse in the Bible
Jesus wept.
John 11:35
Place where Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven
Mt Carmel
Jesus said this to Simon Peter and Andrew when they were casting their net into the sea, before they were disciples of Him
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men
Matthew 4:19
what is the longest book in the Bible
I asked Jesus how many times are we to forgive our brother?
In the beginning God created the _______, and the ______ .
heavens, earth
Genesis 1:1
Name the land in which God confused the languages of the people and scattered them across the earth?
Which man survived a shipwreck and was bitten by a snake without harm while on his way to Rome
What is the name of the last book of the Old Testament?
Jesus saw me under the fig tree
What are the fruits of the Spirit?
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control
Judas bought this land with the money from betraying Jesus. The name of this place means "the field of blood".
What event did God stop the sun in the sky so the Israelites could win a battle?
Battle of Gibeon
Bible books that start with the letter "Z"
Zephaniah and Zechariah
I was sent to take a letter to the apostle Paul. He chose me to accompany him through Syria and Cilicia on his missionary work. In Philippi I was thrown in prison. Paul left me in Thessalonica when he was in fear of his life and later I joined him in Corinth.
Acts 16 - Paul and Silas were released from prison after praying and singing praises to God.
Blessed are the ___________: for they shall be called the children of God.
The place where Moses died
Mount Nebo