The tool needed to unlock an account.
What is Active Directory?
The tab in SNow to link a ticket to a Parent.
What is Related Records?
KB for departmental workspace access requests.
What is KB 770?
KB for M: Drive Access requests.
What is KB 331?
Create a callback for 2PM EST tomorrow.
First person to post a screenshot of the correct format wins the points.
The tool needed to issue an HID.
What is Security Desk?
Short description requirements.
What is name of application and issue?
Client number for departmental workspaces.
What is 268889?
KB for Pro Bono M: Drive access.
What is KB 1428?
Whose profile you grant delegate access to InTapp Time from.
Who is the person requesting the access?
The tool needed to grant access to the J: Drive.
What is Datadvantage?
How instructions from SNow should be worded.
What is Customer Facing?
AD groups for departmental workspace access.
What are Custodians and Contributors?
KB for J: Drive access.
What is KB 514?
The status you put yourself in while awaiting a response from Leadership on a standard priority request.
What is Available?
The tool needed to run a gpupdate.
What is Command Prompt?
Resolution notes requirements.
What is relevant KB or troubleshooting steps to resolve?
If no AD groups exist for the client/matter in question.
What is seek escalation to iManage Admins?
KB for Inactive M: Drive access.
What is KB 330?
Joseph needs help reinstalling iManage. The ticket number is 564371.
The first person to post in the chat with the correct template for help requests wins the points.
The tool needed to check for conflicts/permission to access client/matters.
What is Matter Team Manager?
Toggling Templates in SNow.
What is Toggle Template Bar?
Titles to seek approval for access.
What is Manager or Director?
KB for Create M: Drive Shortcut on the I: Drive.
What is KB 1059?
The tool need to see if a client/matter number is still active.
What is 3E?