Cities and Systems
Smart cities
Urban Housing Policy: (a) Slums
Urban Housing Policy: (b) Affordability

Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Tianjin, Wuhan, Dongguan, Chongqing, Xi'an

What are 10 cities in china


The property of being environmentally sustainable; the degree to which a process or enterprise is able to be maintained or continued while avoiding the long-term depletion of natural resources.

What is Sustainability


The name of the CNBC video we watched on the slides

What is CNBC - What is a smart city?


The informal settlements in urban areas that are densely populated

What are the slums


The quality of being affordable; inexpensiveness.

What is affordability


A Relatively permanent and highly organized centre of population, of greater size or importance than a town or village  - Encyclopedia Britannica

What is the definition of a city?


This question can be difficult to answer. Most student will answer this question in 3 ways.

  1. To a large extent…

  2. To a small extent…

  3. To a moderate extent…

What is "To what extent"


A place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient with the use of digital solutions for the benefit of its inhabitants and business.

What is a smart city


The name of the documentary we watched on the slides

What is "Slumming it"


The key issue for policy makers on the 1st slide

What is the issue of housing affordability


A set of interdependent components forming an interconnected whole.

What is a system


The impacts that we normally write about

What is the economic impact, social impact and enviormental impact

The good Characteristics for a good RQ

What is a Debatable: You will answer this question, but a debatable questions allows for you to compare/contrast different perspectives. Prefix: “To what extent”, “how”, and “why” are great ways to start your research question because they extend beyond a yes/no answer.  Specific: This can be specific to an event, a person, or a concept. This helps to focus your research question. Timebound: You research question can’t be specific if it extends across all of time. Limit the scope of your question by adding dates. Links to SOI: Concepts in the SOI can help guide your question. That’s why it is important!!!


The characteristics of having a 

  1. Durable housing - permanent structure providing protections from extreme climatic conditions

  1. Sufficient living space - no more than 3 to a room

  1. Access to improved water - water that is sufficient, affordable and can be obtained without extreme effort

  1. Access to improved sanitation - private toilet or public one shared with a reasonable number of people

  1. Secure tenure - protection against forced eviction

What are the characteristics the UN would likely define your home or neighbourhood as part of a slum or squatter settlement if you lack one or more of the following


The basic human need on the first slide of the "(2023-2024) Urban Housing Policy: (b) Affordability" slides

What is Shelter


The infrastructure that conveys sewage or surface runoff using sewers.

What is the sewage system 


The name of UN goal 11 

What is Sustainable Cities and communities


ATL skills required for "Task: Investigating Smart cities" 

what are ATL Skills:

Collect, record and verify data

Create references and citations, use footnotes/endnotes and construct a bibliography according to recognized conventions


The extension task for the "Urban Housing Policy: (a) Slums" slides

What is writing 2 paragraphs reflecting the positive and negative aspects of living in a slums. Max 200 words per paragraph


The dynamic places where some people make a lot of money and others find it hard to make a living at all. 

What are Modern cities


The Choices made and strategies implemented in developing urban systems impact the sustainability of cities.

What is our SOI


The thing we did after each of us had one working paragraph, and got reassigned to a group with the other factors of sustainability.

What is forming a complete essay


The smaller and ANSWERABLE questions. It is difficult to conduct research directly from your research question.

What is the sub questions


The quick research task after looking at the characteristics the UN would likely define your home or neighbourhood as part of a slum or squatter settlement.

What is QUICK RESEARCH TASK: Are there any areas in Hong Kong that lack the following characteristics? “Yes …” or “No, however …”


The ATL skills we had to demonstrate on the last slide of the slides.

What is 

  • Listen actively to other perspectives and ideas

  • Encourage others to contribute
