A push factor is...
A factor of liveability that makes people want to leave a place.
Provide an example of a pull factor
Access to education, facilities and services.
Better living conditions ...
A megacity has more than ...
10 million people
Lack of job is a push or pull factor for the ...?
Push factor for the economy.
What is a slum?
Informal settlements within cities that have inadequate housing and squalid, miserable living conditions.
Urbanisation is...
The population shift from rural to urban areas.
Name 3 consequences of Urbanisation
Multiple Answers
Jakarta is located in the country of ...
In this graph what does it show data for?
Temperature and rainfall in Brisbane over 1 year.
What are some characteristics of slums seen in this picture
poor hygiene and dirty living conditions (litter).
Population Density is...
Measurement of amount of people in a small area.
What is a FIFO worker?
Fly in fly out worker
Define migration ...
Movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location.
Define immigration ...
The international movement of people to a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle as permanent residents or naturalized citizens.
List 4 consequences of slums forming (1 under each category of social, economic and environmental)...
disease, over population (no jobs), litter and water pollution.
Urban Sprawl is...
Unrestricted growth surrounding a main urban area with little planning.
What continent are most Mega Cities found on...
In your exam when you answered a question you needed to make sure you...
Use evidence to support what you are saying! Data and quotes count!
Mr Cam's pet beagle's name is...
Why do slums form?
Causes include rapid rural-to-urban migration, economic stagnation and depression, high unemployment, poverty, informal economy, forced or manipulated ghettoization, poor planning, politics, natural disasters, and social conflicts.
A map that uses colour to display data...
Choropleth Maps
Subsidence means...
Sudden sinking or gradual downward settling of the ground's surface
Sedimentation is ...
The deposit of certain minerals and natural particles that have been broken down via weathering and erosion.
What is topography?
The study of the forms and features of land surfaces.
What year did the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire' come out?