Difficulty starting a stream accompanied by discomfort.
What is dysuria?
This type of incontinence occurs due to an increase in abdominal pressure.
What is Stress Incontinence?
Poor hygiene can lead to this painful condition.
What is a UTI?
This test incorporates visual examination, determines the Acidity (pH), for the presence of Protein, Sugar, Ketones, Bilirubin, nitrites or leukocytes, and Blood.
What is a Urinalysis?
These exercises help strengthen pelvic floor muscles.
What are Kegel exercises?
A 24-hour output of less than 50 mL.
What is anuria?
This type of incontinence occurs when there is an overproduction of urine and the need to void comes on suddenly.
What is Urge Incontinence?
This condition occurs to a large percentage of men as they age leading to difficulty urinating and urinary retention.
What is Benign Hypertrophy of the Prostate (BHP-enlarged prostate)?
This test is performed to grow and identify organisms, mainly bacteria, and fungi that may cause a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
What is a urine C & S?
These patients are placed on a schedule and void every 2-3 hours.
What are Patients on diuretics- sedatives, patients with frequency, and/or at a risk for falls?
An increased need to void.
What is urinary frequency?
This type of incontinence is due to urinary retention and the involuntary loss of urine.
What is Overflow Incontinence?
This condition occurs to childbearing women, especially after birthing many and/or large babies.
What is pelvic floor weakness?
These 2 serum blood tests measure kidney function and hydration.
What is BUN & Creatinine?
Bun: 8-20 mg/100mL (increase with water depletion)
Creatinine: 0.7-1.4mg/100mL (dehydration)
An increase in both BUN and Creatinine can indicate impaired renal function, heart failure
These 2 activities will increase blood flow to the kidneys.
What are hydration and exercise?
Involuntary urination at night.
What is enuresis?
This type of incontinence appears suddenly and lasts less than 6 months.
What is Transient Incontinence?
4 things that occur to a person's urinary system as they age are
What is
Nocturia (urination during the night)
Increase frequency
Loss of bladder muscle tone
Decreased bladder contractility?
All of this leads to retention →stasis →UTI
This test uses a flexible scope with a camera to view the inside portion of the bladder?
What is a cystoscopy?
Decreasing consumption of these substances in the diet will aid urinary health?
What are alcohol, caffeine, and sodium?
24-hour urine output less than 400mL (must report to HCP)
What is oliguria?
This type of incontinence is a combination of stress and urge incontinence.
What is Mixed Incontinence?
The use of these medications may cause urinary retention.
What are antidepressants, anticholinergics, and antihistamines?
This test measures density of urine compared to water.
What is Urine Specific Gravity?
Higher value= more concentrated urine= high specific gravity without renal disease can = dehydration
Lower value can indicate over hydration
This is a secondary screening tool recommended for men at age 50.
What are DRE (digital rectal exam) and PSA?