Scanty (small amount) of urination
What is Oliguria?
Free space
Free 100 points
What is related to tissue?
Return of disease symptoms
What is relapse?
What is protein in the urine?
Incision into the kidney
What is Nephrotomy?
Stem cell
What is hemocytoblast?
What is pertains to continuing over a long period of time; chronic disease?
When someone has pus in their urine its an indication of an infection
What is Pyuria?
Kidney disease is also known as an abnormal condition of the kidney
What is Nephrosis?
Ex. Staphylococcus
What is -cocci?
What is Lymphedema?
A patient needs to have a urinalysis done, when giving them a sterile urine cup. They come back with nothing in the cup, we keep trying and trying to get a urine sample but the patient isn't urinating. (Lack of urination)
also known as uremia; raised level of blood urea and nitrogen-based waste products normally eliminated by the kidneys. indicates reduced kidney function.
What is Azotemia?
Working out and doing heavy weight lifting can increase your cell size causing your muscles to get bigger
What is Hypertrophy?
What is Hemophilia?
A patient keeps producing large amounts of urine causing them to consistently wet the bed.
What is Polyuria?
Removal of a renal calculus (kidney stone) by cutting into the kidney
What is Nephrolithotomy?
What is Leukopenia?
What is hemochromatosis?