What is the composition of urine.
95% water and 5% solutes.
Urea, from amino acid breakdown, largest solute.
Uric acid
active process of removing undesirable molecules from blood to filtrate.
volume of filtrate formed by the minute by each kidney.
Normal 120-125 ml/min
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Make you pee, decrease blood pressure, prevents reabsorption of water from filtrate
Cristallized calcium, magnesium or uric salts, form in renal pelvis
CAUSES: high sugar diet, low fluid intake.
Kidney stone
How much blood plasma is processed daily
180 L (45 gallons)
What causes Glomerular Filtration?
Hydrostatic pressure 55mm Hg, The main outward force pushing water and solutes out of blood.
What affects/regulates GFR.
NFP determines GFR.
blood pressure in glomerulus determines filtration rate.
kidneys maintain a constant GFR via intrinsic controls.
Prescence of glucose in urine, occurs when glucose is above 180-200mg.
Loss of ability to filter/process wastes in blood.
GFR decreases below 15 ml/min
Causes: injuries or chronic conditions
Kidney failure.
How much blood plasma is ends up becoming urine.
1.5 L
Majority of the fluid re-absorbs back into the body.
Hydrostatic pressure in capsular space.
Inward force, inhibits filtrate formation.
pressure of filtrate in capsule 15mm Hg
How well our kidneys function, how well they clear toxins from blood stream.
(Excretion rate=filtration rate+secretion rate-reabsorption rate.)
Renal Clearance.
treatment for kidney failure, cleans blood for patient
Filtrate of blood leaves kidney capillaries.
This produces the initial filtrate.
Glomerular filtration.
Colloid osmotic pressure in capillaries.
Pull of proteins in blood, 30mm Hg
RAAM (Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone Mechanism.)
99% of all nutrients, water, and essential ions reclaimed from filtrate to blood.
Net Filtration Pressure
Sum of all pressures, Main controllable factor that determines the GFR.