President Taft’s nickname for his foreign policy focusing on substituting money for bullets.
What is dollar diplomacy?
MAIN reasons WW1 started, (list M.A.I.N)
What are, militarism, alliances/assasination, imperialism, nationalism
Group of naval ships President T. Roosevelt sent on a 2 year tour around the Pacific Ocean.
What is The Great White Fleet?
Describe one of the memes Mr. Orluck had in his presentation on the Spanish American War?
What is Theodore Roosevelt having the high ground or What is the Spider-Man Treaty of Paris Meme?
An anti-foreign movement that happened in China in response to the open-door policy.
What is the Boxer Rebellion?
Name three mindsets of imperialism
What are nationalism, progressive/social darwinism, religion, business’s/$, mahan’s suggestions, and turner’s frontier thesis?
Name 2 reasons why the United States was so interested in going to war with Spain.
What was Cuban independence, Imperialism, desire to have military bases, economic opportunity.
Teddy Roosevelt's approach to Foreign Policy where his negotiations were always backed by the threat of military force.was
What is "speak softly and carry a big stick."/Big Stick Policy