Crossing to the Americas
Societies of North America
Societies of West Africa
Societies of Europe
Early European Explorers

To move from place to place; moving from one locale to another geographically.

What is to migrate?


The use of tools and knowledge to meet basic human needs.

What is technology?


One of the largest religions in the world; teaches that there is one god named Allah; required to pray 5 times a day.

What is Islam?


A political system in which a king allows nobles, or lords, to use lands that belong to him in exchanges for military service and mutual protection.

What is feudalism?


A new kind of ship that included triangular sails that made it so Europeans could sail farther and faster.

What is the caravel?


A way of life shared by people with similar arts, beliefs, and customs.

What is culture?


The formation of a loose government by 5 major North American tribes of natives.

What is the Iroquois League? 


The largest desert in the world, across which West African Kingdoms grew rich from salt and gold trading.

What is the Sahara Desert?


A series of wars waged by European Christians to capture the Holy Land, Jerusalem.

What were the Crusades?


The name of the Portuguese leader who helped develop a new kind of ship.

Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?


The Mound Builders built mounds primarily for this purpose.

What were religious reasons; burying the dead?


In Aztec society, this class of people were at the top of the government and their religion.

Who were the high priests?


Mali's most influential leader; made Mali famous because of his lavish pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324.

Who was Mansa Musa?


The name of the German monk who sparked the Reformation by posting 95 criticisms of the Catholic Church on a Church door.

Who was Martin Luther?


Name 1 reason why Europeans were looking for alternate routes to Asia.

What is:

1. The Italian using military force to keep their trade routes exclusive.


2. Hostile Muslim Turks not allowing Europeans or Christians passage through their land.


The theory that the early Americans crossed to North America from Asia via a land bridge.

What is the Bering Strait Theory?


A way of society in which family trees are traced through the women instead of the men.

What is matrilineal?


The very first West African Kingdom to rise to power.

What was Ghana?


This famous Renaissance painter painted this famous work of art.

Who was Leonardo da Vinci?


Name 1 way Christopher Columbus miscalculated his journey.

What is:

1. He was wrong about where Asia was and how big it is.


2. We was wrong about how big the Earth is.


To be a counted as a civilization, one must have 5 features.

Name at least 3 of these 5 features.

What are:

1. Cities with trade centers

2. Specialized jobs

3. Organized government as religion

4. A system of record keeping

5. Advanced tools


Mr. Sessions' favorite tribe of American Indians; lived in hogans (desert igloos) and domesticated sheep.

Who are the Navajo?


The West African Kingdom that was located on the delta of the Niger River and became a center of trade; European visitors compared it to big cities in Europe.

What was Benin?


The Renaissance changed European ideas in 5 major ways.

Name 3 of them.

What are:

-The printing press


-Classical education

-Realistic art

-Muslim math and science advancements


SURPRISE! It's the secret Pokemon question! Because I can do whatever I want in my classroom!

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, people travel around the skies of Galar with this large-Steel-type Pokemon carrying cabs.

What is Corviknight?
