Native Americans
Who lived in America before the europeans Arrived?
George Washington
Who was the first president of the U.S.?
4th of July
When does the U.S. celebrate its independence?
High Taxes
Why did the colonist fight the British/want independence from the British?
To represent the original 13 colonies
Why does the American flag has 13 stripes?
What ocean is on the East Coast?
Abraham Lincoln
Who led the U.S. in the Civil War?
Labor Day
What United States holiday celebrates workers contributions to the country?
U.S. males sign up for this when they turn 18
What is the selective service?
One for each state
Why does the American flag have 50 stars?
The Missouri
The Mississippi
What are the 2 longest rivers in the U.S.?
Martin Luther King JR
Who led the civil rights movement?
What year was the declaration of independence adopted?
The United States of America
What do we show loyalty to when saying the Pledge of Alligiance?
The Star-Spangled Banner
What is the name of the national anthem?
What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803
Thomas Jefferson
Who wrote the declaration of independence?
In what month is the election day for the president?
Gift from France located in New York, New York
What is the Statue of Liberty?
We the people
What are the first three words of the constitution which symbolize self government?
Washington DC
What is the capital of the United States?
Susan B Anthony
What famous American female thought for women’s rights and women suffrage?
11th day of the 11th month
When is Veterans Day celebrated?
April 15th
What is the last day to submit your taxes in the United States?
Betsy Ross
Who made the first American flag?