What does the legislative do.
What is make the law.
the first 3 words of the Constitution of the United States
We the People
This is the number of Representatives in the House of Representatives
What is 435
protects the criminally accused by requiring indictment by a grand jury, prohibiting double jeopardy and forced self-incrimination, and forbidding deprivation of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"; bars the taking of private property for public use without "just compensation"
What is the 5th Amendment?
Number of amendment in the bill of rights
What is ten
the number of members are there in the US Senate
what is 100.
the 3 Branches of Government created by the Constitution
what is Executilve, Legislative, Judicial
Minimum age to be a member of the senate
What is 30
prohibits laws "respecting an establishment of religion" and protects freedoms of religion, speech, and the press and the rights to assemble peaceably and petition the government
What is the first Amendment?
Taking fifth means
What is You won’t incriminate yourself
having the right to print what you want in the newspaper
Freedom of the Press
The Constitution replaced these existing document(s)
The Articles of Confederation
A way for someone in the Executive Branch can deny a law/decision from the Legislative Branch
What is veto
further protects the criminally accused by establishing the rights to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, to be informed of criminal charges, to confront hostile witnesses, and to have the assistance of counsel.
What is the 6th Amendment?
If a citizen if forced to confess, this is a violation of the 5th Amendment which protects one from
What is Self-incrimination
What is John Locke
makes up the judicial branch and what do they have the power to do
What is the supreme court and they have the power to declare laws as constitutional or unconstitutional
Minimum age to be president
What is 35
forbids unreasonable searches and seizures of individuals and property; requires probable cause for search warrants; prohibits nonspecific search warrants
What is the 4th Amendment?
constitutes the Bill of Rights
What is The first ten Amendments of the Constitution
This Social Contract Philosopher believed that the decisions of a government should depend on the "General Will" of the people (Double points for the correct spelling
who is Jean jacques Rousseau
two parts make up the legislative branch
What is Senate and House of Representatives
The lawmakers of the government
What is the legislative branch
prohibits excessive bail, excessive fines, and "cruel and unusual punishments"
What is the 8th Amendment?
the term for the deposit offered which is in effect a promise that the defendant will be present upon the date of their court case
What is Bail