What does checks and balances mean?
system so no branch has too much power
Who is the CEO of America?
the president
bicameral means
2 Houses
Main job of the judicial branch is to ________ the laws
How does the president check the legislative when making a law
Who is the group of experts who help give the president advice?
One word that means the Senate and the House combined
Fancy word for Supreme Court judge
We passed the 22nd amendment after FDR because...
he won 4x and now we have a 2 term limit
explain 2/3 override in your own words
if president vetos, the bill goes back to Congress and needs 2/3 of both houses to get passed and doesnt need presidential signature
Name a president who was impeached
Johnson, Clinton, Trump
Main job of the legislative branch
to make/vote on laws
for life
The 19th amendment did what?
gave women the right to vote
judicial review - ruling a law is unconstitutional
Why is it a dumb idea for the Senate to be the jury on an impeachment trial?
they are totally biased and don't vote against their party
Name of the building the legislative branch works in
US Capitol
How many judges are on the Supreme Court
What was Jefferson's point about a boys coat?
American laws need to change with the times. cant be stuck in the past
Explain how selecting a judge involves all 3 branches
presidents picks a replacement justice, Senate approves the pick
Who becomes president if the president and vice president die?
The Speaker of the House
Senate - need to be older, get elected for more years, and there are less (100)
The Supreme Court looks a lot like what building in ancient Greece?