US Domestic Policymaking
US Economic Policy
US Social Welfare and Education Policies
US Environmental and Immigration Policies
US Public Health and Housing Policies

The set of laws, regulations, rules, or orders that a government makes relating to things that directly affect the people in its own country.

What is domestic policy?


This economic problem occurs when there are not enough jobs for everyone who wants one.

What is unemployment?


This determines whether individuals and families qualify for certain federal and state assistance programs, such as housing vouchers, Medicaid, and CHIP.

What is the Federal Poverty Line?


What country generates the greatest amount of municipal waste?

What is the United States?


This category of disease account for about 70% of all deaths worldwide. They are due to a combination of genetic, physiological, lifestyle, and environmental factors.

What are noncommunicable diseases?


50% of federal revenue comes from this kind of tax.

What is individual income taxes?


This government body is responsible for taxing and spending policy (i.e. fiscal policy).

What is a Congress?


Structural barriers like inequitable funding systems have created a gap in what area of domestic policy?

What is education?


This population made up approximately 4.6% of US workers in 2021.

Who are unauthorized immigrants?


This term refers to the migration of wealthy people into low-income or working-class urban communities, and can lead to displacement due to rising living costs.

What is gentrification? 


Phase of public policy-making process when the legislature take up an issue and create legislative, regulatory, strategic programs to address a problem.

What is policy formulation?


Changes in the money supply to alter the interest rate (usually to control inflation). This includes printing more money to expand the supply of money, or decreasing printing of money to reduce the money supply.

What is monetary policy?


This program assists families with dependent children when their families cannot meet their basic needs. 

What is Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF)?


This is a person who cannot remain in their home country due to a well-founded fear of being prosecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

What is a refugee/asylum seeker?


In 2020, 46% of American renters spent 30% or more of their income on housing, including 23% who spent at least 50% of their income this way. This is evidence of what problem?

What is the lack of affordable housing?


The phase of the policy-making process taking place when the executive departments and agencies put a policy to work by establishing and enacting the policy "on the ground".

What is policy implementation?


This occurs when there is a significant decline in general economic activity in a designated region (the geographical location can span from the domestic to the global).

What is a recession?


This term refers to the gap between the test scores of minority and/or low-income students and the test scores of their White and Asian peers.

What is the achievement gap?


This type of law is based on the following principles: the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, protecting refugees, and promoting diversity. 

What is US immigration law?


This federal agency is the primary federal organization responsible for disseminating critical health information to governments, organizations, businesses, and the public. 

What is the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)?


This type of policy transfers a group with higher wealth's tax funds to a lower wealth level with the intention of eradicating social problems like poverty. 

What is re-distributive policy?


This economic philosophy asserts that the government can stimulate the economy by increasing public spending or cutting taxes on working class. Hint: It was enacted during the New Deal Era.

What is Keynesian economics?


Social programs financed by taxation or other mandatory contributions. Social Security is an example of this.

What are contributory programs?


This environmental problem in the US adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the sum total of cars and trucks on the world's roads.

What is deforestation? 


653,104 people experienced this in the U.S. in 2023. That number represents a record-high tally and a 12 percent increase over 2022.

What is homelessness? 
