The Roaring 20's
The Great Depression

John Hay announced in 1899 that all countries have equal trading rights in the country of China. This is going to make China mad and it will be a cause for the boxer rebellion. 

What is the Open Door Policy 


What is the name of the treaty that ended WWI?

What is the Treaty of Versailles


This man developed the assembly line, which allowed for things like cars to be made at a faster rate. 

Who is Henry Ford


A series of droughts in the early 1930's dried up the top soil,along with poor farming techniques, and high winds caused the top soil to turn to dust. This killed many crops, livestock, and caused many people to leave the great plans. What is this called? 

What is the Dust Bowl 


This event caused the US to offically declare war on both Japan and Germany. What is the name and the date of the event? 

The Attack of Pearl Harbor and December 7th 1941. 


This man is a lawyer who led the provisional government of Hawaii while the US worked out the plans to annex the islands. This man limits native Hawaiian rights and helped overthrow the Queen of Hawaii. His name is also synonymous with the Pineapple Company  

 Who is Sandford B Dole 


What is the name of the new fighting style used in WWI? This was used because of the new weapons and other technology. Since the front never moved more then a few miles in either direction it was considered a stalemate style of fighting. 

What is trench warfare 


The fear that the US would be overrun by communist and anarchist, and the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti led to this time period in US History.  

What is the Red Scare


These programs can be classified into three different categories, relief, recovery, and reform. This was started by Roosevelt in order to end the Great Depression. 

What is the New Deal. 


This is considered to be the largest amphibious assault in military history. This took place on the beaches of Normandy. What is this called and when did it take place? 

What is D-Day and June 6th 1944. 


This man was president of the Naval War College and was a leading advocate for imperial expansion. He will also write a book called "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History." 

Who is Alfred Thayer Mahan


What are the new weapons that are introduced in WWI? 

What is mustard gas, U-Boats, airplanes, tanks, and machine guns. 


William Jennings Bryan was the prosecutor and Clarence Darrow was defending John T. Scopes in what famous religion vs science trial? 

What is the Scopes Monkey Trial. 


This provides workers with unemployment insurance, old age pensions, and insurance if they die early. Workers and their employers each paid new contributions to fund these benefits. 

What is the Social Security Act. 


Little Boy and Fat man are the names of what weapons that the US drooped on Japan to end WWII? 

What is an Atomic Bomb. 


This person was the Assistant Secretary for the Navy he will organize the Rough Riders and with the help of others defeat the Spanish in the Spanish American war at the battle of San Juan Hill. 

Who is Theodore Roosevelt


What is the main reason the US became involved in WWI? 

What is the Zimmerman Telegram


What is the terms for young women who smoked and drank in public, as well as wore short dresses, had shorter hair and wore make up? 

What is a Flapper. 


This insured bank deposits so that people would not lose their savings in the event of a bank failure. 

What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 


What is the turning point battle in the Pacific Theater? What is the turning point battle in the European Theater?  

What is the Battle of Midway, and the Battle of Stalingrad. 


The USS Maine Explosion, Yellow Journalism, the Rough Riders, and the Battle of San Juan Hill all describe what event in history? 

What is the Spanish American War


This speech by Woodrow Wilson stated that the Ottoman and the Austria-Hungary empire would be divided up, that Germany would not be allowed to maintain a military, Produce military weapons, and had to pay reparations. Finally the last point was that the League of Nations should be created.  

Wilson's Fourteen Points


What event took place when the Secretary of the Interior leased oil rich government owned lands in exchanged for bribes? This took place in Wyoming.  

What is the Teapot Dome Scandal. 


What are the 6 causes of the Great Depression? 

1) Republican “TAX BREAKS” to big businesses

2) Unchecked stock speculation & unregulated banking.

3) Overproduction of goods (Mfg & Agricultural).

4) The decline of the farming industry & Dust Bowl.

5) Unequal distribution of wealth & Income Gap.

6) The collapse of the stock market system.


What are the 4 causes of WWII?

The Rise of Dictators:

The failure of the League of Nations:

The failure of Appeasement with Hitler:

The German invasion of Poland.
