Physical Geography & Features
Northeast USA & Map Features
A Government of Powers
Grab Bag!
If I am a low elevation landform, like a plain, my climate is probably this.
What is warmer?
A map showing the languages spoken in different places is an example of this kind of geography.
What is cultural geography?
I am used to see where the map is in a larger regional or global context.
What is a locator?
This is what a federal, democratic system of government means.
What is sharing power between the national, state, and local governments (federal), and the people vote to elect representatives to make government decisions (democracy)?
The Prime Meridian creates these two hemispheres.
What is the Eastern and Western Hemispheres?
Snakes only live in warm climates. How climate affects animal life is an example of this essential element of geography.
What are physical systems?
Physical geography includes the study of the Earth's surface and these four other things.
What are landforms, bodies of water, climate, and environment?
I am used to produce electricity for New York State and I am a major tourist attraction because of my natural beauty.
What is Niagara Falls?
I am the three branches of government and their powers.
What are the executive (enforce laws), legislative (write and pass laws), and judicial branch (interpret and reject laws)?
When writing the coordinates of a location, I come first. I am an imaginary, horizontal line. As an imaginary line, it is weird that I can talk.
What is latitude?
Federalists and Anti-Federalists fought about how strong the national government should be and wrote down their ideas in newspapers. This is an example of either physical or cultural geography. Why?
What is cultural geography because ideas in newspapers are an example of language, which is man-made?
I am completely flat and covered in grass. I lie in the middle of the United States. I am this physical feature.
What is the Great Plains?
I include symbols and pictures and I explain what they mean on a map.
What is a map key?
Patriotism means this.
What are loyalty to one's country and values, standing up for the freedom of others?
I am a factor that causes climate. If you are far away from me, you are cold, if you are close by, you are hot. Some call me zero degrees of latitude, but I am actually quite hot.
What is the Equator?
The Supreme Court is part of this branch of the government, which has this power.
What is the judicial branch, which can interpret or reject laws?
I am the path of water as it collects in a mountaintop and travels to the ocean.
What is source-river-mouth-ocean?
I am a resource that can be used to make metals and other materials. You can mine me in the Northeast.
What are minerals like granite, marble, zinc?
These are three responsibilities of American citizenship.
What is (any three) volunteering, voting, serving on a jury, paying taxes, following laws, staying educated?
I am the five major bodies of water in the United States.
What are the Atlantic Ocean, Mississippi River, Great Lakes, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Ocean?
Two mountains are drawn with contour lines on a topographic map. One mountain had 8 contour lines, and one mountain had 3 contour lines. Which mountain is colder? Why?
What is the mountain with 8 contour lines, because 8 contour lines means that mountain has a higher elevation, and higher elevations have colder temperatures?
I am the difference between a bay and a lake.
What is a bay is almost completely surrounded by land with a small opening to a larger body of water and a lake is completely surrounded by land?
I am sometimes rocky and sometimes sandy, but I am always a hot ticket item on any Northeast vacationer's list.
What is the Northeast Coastline?
This is the reason we need both rights and responsibilties of citizenship.
What is we need to take responsibility as American citizens like voting for leaders who will protect our rights and freedoms, responsibility protects rights?
When contour lines are very close together on a map, what will you need if you are going to camp on the top of that mountain. Explain why.
What are climbing ropes or something to climb up because close contour lines mean the mountain is very steep and you cannot walk or drive up a steep mountain?