What is 'until they die or retire?'
This party had a lot of political power during the Roaring 20s
What were the Republicans?
This major party likes government intervention in the economy.
Who are the Democrats?
This party likes to uphold "traditional" religious values in society.
What is the Republican Party?
Participation in these elections allows independents and voters of the other party to vote in the primary elections.
What is an open primary?
Participation in these elections is limited to voters registered to the party only.
What are closed primaries?
This is the fastest-growing ethnicity in the U.S.
What is the Hispanic/Latino population?
This argues that in a two-party system the party that caters to the political center will win.
What is the median voter theorem?
This is when voters only choose candidates from one political party.
What is a straight ticket?
The are periods of significant change where parties shift the focus of their policies.
What are party/political realignments?
This political movement opposed taxes from the Obama administration.
What is the Tea Party Movement?
This is when registered voters get a letter in the mail to serve on a court case.
What is jury duty?
He began mass grassroots political participation in the U.S.
Who was Andrew Jackson?
They created the first two political parties in U.S. history.
Who were Hamilton and Jefferson?
They advocate full individual liberty, capitalist markets, and no government intervention.
What is the Libertarian Party?
They advocate for environmental awareness, non-violence, and social justice.
What is the Green Party?
This system makes only the one candidate with the most votes represent the district.
What are single-member districts?
In this type of system, seats in their legislatures are allocated according to a party’s percentage of the popular vote.
What is the proportional representation system?
What is Marbury v. Madison?
This is how much a Congressional candidate has to raise a week for six years for a re-election campaign.
What is $30,000 a week?
These are organizations that have no limit on how much money they contribute to campaigns as long as they don't directly coordinate with the politician.
What are Super PACs?
This is the power of the Supreme Court to decide if a government act is unconstitutional.
What is judicial review?
They confirm Supreme Court justices.
Who is the Senate?
He set the precedent for judicial review.
Who was John Marshall?
He set up the Bull Moose Party.
Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
This president caused a major realignment during the Great Depression with his New Deal for the Democrat Party.
Who was Franklin Roosevelt?
This is the legal limit that an individual can directly contribute to a political campaign.
What is $2,900?
He won the presidency in 1992 after billionaire Ralph Nader took votes away from Republican candidate George H.W. Bush.
Who is Bill Clinton?
Along with Hispanics, the Republicans made huge strides with this ethnic/racial voting bloc. in the 2024 election.
What is the Asian population?
This president caused a major political realignment with his signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Who is Lyndon Johnson?