Amendment 13
Abolition of Slavery
the first 3 Articles accomplished this goal
Set up the national government
Print Currency
What was missing from the Constitution when it was voted on
Bill of Rights
Set up a tax that was disliked by Merchants, Lawyers, and Publishers
The Stamp Act
Sets up the process of voting for the president
Amendment 12
Privileges and immunities by all states to citizens
Article 4
Defend the Boarders
Received power from state constitutions
Legislative Branch
85 essays that were published
The Federalist Papers
Congress will get to set up and collect taxes
Amendment 16
Changes can be made to the Constitution
Article 5
Creation of the IRS
Slaves only counted as part of a free man
3/5 Compromise
Decided that the King's powers did not fully extend to the Colonies
Amendment 15
Voting shall not be denied by race
Article 6
The constitution is the supreme law of the land
Power to gain territory
Two houses with seats decided on money given or population of the state. They would elect a judiciary
Virginia Plan
Army of Farmers who revolted
Shay's Rebellion
Decides succession of the Presidency
Amendment 25
States were allowed to make their own decisions
Articles of Confederation
Appoint cabinet members
Small States wanted all states to be equal in positions of government
New Jersey Plan
Meeting in 1787 to fix the Articles of Confederation
Philadelphia Meeting/ Constitutional Convention