Principles of the American Constitution
Bill of Rights
Formal Amendment

Define Judicial Review.

the power of a court to review a statute, treaty or administrative regulation for constitutionality or consistency with a a superior law.


True or false: The 5th amendment protects people from the government entering their home by force. This amendment makes it so that the police must have a warrant to enter our homes. 

False: This describes the 4th amendment. 


In your own words define an amendment. 

A minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.


When Terri Bull-Luck was charged with arson, her lawyer actually slept through her trial. The whole thing. He even snored. And drooled. After being sentenced to thirty years, Terri appeals her conviction and argues that she should have a new trial. What amendment would help her win?

6th Amendment


True of False: Presidential elections are decided only by a popular vote. 



Name all of the basic principles found in the Constitution. (There are 7)

Republicanism, Separation of Powers, Limited Government, Popular Sovereignty, Federalism, Checks and Balances, and Individual Rights.


Is the Bill of Rights unlimited? Are all of the liberties listed in the Bill of Rights absolute protections or do they have limits? Explain.

All of the liberties listed in the Bill of Rights are limited to a degree. For example, the freedom of speech only protects citizens when they are criticizing the government. 

Each state has different limits form many of the liberties. 


Name 2 reasons why Amendments are so important for the constitution to function in modern times. 

* America is nearly 100 times larger than when the Constitution was written. 

* When the Constitution was written America was an agrarian-based society and now it is very industrialized. 

* Answers may vary. 

  1. A group of people built a statue of Elvis that looks like it’s weeping blood, and this statue has developed quite a following. A lot of people even think the statue is holy, and the group has been collecting donations from people who want to visit the statue and pray. The cops want to bring down this whole weeping-Elvis scheme, but the group claims protection—under which Amendment?

1st amendment


Name an example of limited government in action. 

If a government representative breaks the law or abuses his or her power they will face a trial like everyone else: Nixon with Watergate.

Kinda: Donald Trump and his current indictments  


What is a Veto and who can enact a Veto? How can an override of a veto take place? What branch has the ability to call for a veto override? 

A veto is when a bill from the legislative branch is canceled by the executive branch. 

A president is the only person who can enact a veto. 

The legislative branch can override a veto but they need a 2/3 vote or super majority to do so. 


What amendment is the Miranda Warning outlined in? 

The 5th amendment.


Name both ways in which an amendment can be proposed. 

By a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress. 

By a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures.


 The Postmaster General of the United States has a cross and a nativity scene installed at all Post Offices throughout the country during Christmas time. Government funds are being used to purchase the cross and nativity scene. The mayor of a predominantly Jewish town demands that the cross and nativity scene be removed from her town.

1st amendment 


Where is popular Sovereignty found in the constitution. 

  • Popular Sovereignty is found in the Preamble of the Constitution.

  • “We the People” means the people are in charge.

Accurately define federalism and give me an example of federalism at work. 

Refers to the division and sharing of power between the national and state governments.

Marijuana is federally outlawed but many states have laws that have legalized marijuana.


How is the Bill of Rights fundamentally different from the 17 amendments that came after the Bill of Rights? 

Give me two reasons why these two are different. 

* The Bill of Rights was a package deal along with the Constitution- they were not added in some ways they were a part of the Constitution. 

* The Bill of Rights is a list of liberties or protection from the government. 



How do federalism and popular sovereignty play a role in the amendment process?  

* Federalism: Amendments are proposed at the national level and ratified at the state level. 

* Popular Sovereignty: People elect the representatives who vote to propose or ratify amendments. 


A group of teenagers gather quietly on a street corner. Neighbors complain and ask the police to arrest them for getting together as a group. The police refuse.

No violation. 


How are the 15th, 19th, and 26th amendments similar? What connects all of these amendments? 

Each extended voting rights to a new segment of society. 


Describe checks and balances and name a specific example of how each branch checks and balances the other. 


What is the difference between civil rights and civil liberties? Be specific in your response.

Liberties: Legal Constitutional protections against the government. 

Rights: Protections against discriminatory treatment. 


Briefly define/explain what the electoral college is. After you do this explain the voting process in America. 

*  The "Electoral College" system, each state is assigned a certain number of "votes". There are a total of 538 electoral votes, and the number of votes each state receives is proportional to its size --- the bigger the state's population the more "votes" it gets. 

* Each state has a popular vote that (in theory) will determine where the electoral votes will go. 

* This coupling of state-wide popular votes along with elector votes decides America's presidential elections. 


Everyone knows that Serial Killer Sam is guilty of a lot of stuff. If Joe goes home for the holidays and finds Serial Killer Sam camping out in his backyard in Illinois, how come he has to call the cops—and why can’t the cops just shoot Sam on the spot?

6th amendment


What is the difference between the 9th and 10th Amendments? 

9th Amendment: all the rights not listed in the Constitution belong to the people, not the government. In other words, the rights of the people are not limited to just the rights listed in the Constitution. 

10th amendment: The Tenth Amendment says that the Federal Government only has those powers delegated in the Constitution. If it isn't listed, it belongs to the states or to the people. 
