Words that end with "ent," plus one more word
Aspects of Congress and Congressional Roles
Congressional Powers
Words that start with C

A person represented by an elected official, especially in a specific area or district, is part of their group. This person can vote and communicate with the official to share opinions, ask for help, or voice concerns about policies. The relationship is based on the idea that the official works for the benefit of the people in their area.



The leader of the political party with the most members in the House of Representatives or Senate. This person is responsible for setting the party's legislative agenda and ensuring that their party's members vote in line with it. They also works closely with the Speaker of the House or President of the Senate to guide legislation through the chambers.

Majority Leader


The process, which is the sole responsibility of the legislative branch, of setting aside government funds for specific projects or programs. This involves deciding how much money will be allocated to different areas, such as education or defense. The goal is to make sure funds are used where they are needed most within the government.



A group of different individuals or organizations that come together to work toward a common goal or support a shared cause. This often happens in politics when various parties or lawmakers join forces to pass a law or achieve a particular objective. Coalitions are important because they help gather support for actions that may not be possible alone.



Rules that how long an elected official can serve in a specific office. These limits are designed to prevent one person from holding power for too long and to encourage new leadership. They aim to promote fairness and give more individuals the opportunity to serve in government.

Term Limits


The process of dividing and assigning seats in a legislative body based on population is a way to ensure fair representation. This often happens after a population count, such as a census, to adjust how many representatives each area gets. The goal is to make sure that each representative speaks for roughly the same number of people.



A member of Congress whose job is to support party leaders by ensuring that party members vote according to the party's position. They also help communicate party goals and strategies to other members. Whips play a key role in gathering votes and maintaining party discipline.



A section of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to make laws that are “necessary and proper” for carrying out its listed duties. This allows Congress to pass laws on issues not specifically mentioned in the Constitution. The goal is to ensure that the government can adapt to changing needs and situations.

Elastic Clause


A meeting of members from the same political party or group to discuss and plan actions, such as selecting candidates or deciding on policies. It is often used to organize support for specific goals or candidates. Members of a caucus work together to influence decisions and achieve their shared objectives.



A legislative body that combines characteristics of both a citizen legislature and a professional legislature. In this system, some members may serve part-time while having other jobs, similar to a citizen legislature, while others may work full-time with more expertise and resources like a professional legislature. This mix aims to balance the involvement of ordinary citizens with the efficiency and expertise of professional lawmakers.

Hybrid Legislature


A person currently holding a political office is responsible for carrying out the duties of that position. They often run for re-election to keep their role and may have an advantage because they are already in the job. This person’s experience in office can make them well-known to voters.



A group made up of members from both the House and the Senate that works together on specific tasks, such as investigations or overseeing special projects. These groups help the two chambers collaborate and address issues that affect both. Their purpose is to streamline the process and provide joint leadership.

Joint Committee


The official approval of a proposal, such as a treaty or constitutional amendment, by the required number of representatives or lawmakers. This process confirms that the proposal has been accepted and is now legally binding. It often requires a vote or agreement from a legislative body or group of states.



The assistance provided by a member of Congress to help constituents with problems or issues related to government services. This can include things like helping with applications for benefits or solving issues with federal agencies. The goal is to make sure that citizens receive the help they need from the government.



A person chosen to make decisions for others uses their own judgment to act in the best interest of the group they represent. They are trusted to consider all options and decide what they believe is right, even if it goes against the group’s opinions. Their role focuses on using their knowledge and experience to make thoughtful choices.



The process by which a government official, including the President, is charged with wrongdoing or misconduct. If the charges are serious enough, the official may be removed from office after a trial. This process is the sole responsibility of the legislative branch, and it involves both the House of Representatives and the Senate.



The person in this role is the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives and is responsible for guiding discussions and making sure the rules are followed. This person is chosen by the members of the House and often plays a key role in deciding which bills are considered. They also represent the House in meetings with the President and Senate.

Speaker of the House


The process by which Congress can reverse a President's veto of a bill. If both the House and the Senate agree to pass the bill again with a two-thirds majority vote, the bill becomes law despite the veto. This power ensures that Congress can still pass laws even if the President disagrees.



The process in which the Senate approves a nominee chosen by the President for a government position, such as a judge or cabinet member. The Senate reviews the nominee's qualifications and decides whether they should take on the role. If confirmed, the person can begin their duties in the new position.



The leader of the party that has fewer members in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. This person works to organize and represent the party’s interests, offering an alternative to the majority party’s policies. The minority leader also helps guide party members and negotiate with the majority party.

Minority Leader


The use of government funds for local projects is often meant to benefit a specific area rather than the entire country. These projects are usually added to larger bills to gain support from lawmakers who want to please their voters. Critics say this practice can waste money and favor certain districts unfairly.

Pork Barrel Politics


A system of government where the legislature is divided into two separate chambers or houses allows for more balanced decision-making. Each chamber often has different responsibilities or ways of representing people. This structure is designed to ensure laws are carefully considered before being approved.



Specific powers granted to the legislative branch by the Constitution. These powers are clearly listed and define what Congress can do, such as making laws, collecting taxes, and declaring war. They set the boundaries for what Congress is allowed to control and regulate.

Enumerated Powers


A legislative body made up of members who serve part-time and typically have other jobs or careers outside of their legislative duties. This type of legislature is designed to allow regular citizens to participate in government without making it their full-time profession. The goal is to keep lawmakers connected to the needs and experiences of the general public.

Citizen Legislature


An official in the Senate who temporarily takes over the duties of the Vice President when they are absent. This person is usually a senior member of the majority party and helps manage the Senate's daily activities. Their role includes overseeing debates and ensuring the rules are followed during sessions.

President of the Senate Pro Tempore
