This amendment protects freedom of speech, religion, petition, assembly, AND the press.
1st Amendment
Splitting the government into separate "branches" that can check and limit each other's power.
Separation of Powers
In order to help equalize representation between the states, every state has 2 of these, for a total of 100.
The compromise that paved the way for a bicameral legislature, giving us one part of Congress where representation is determined by population, and another where each state is represented equally.
The Great Compromise
The first president of the United States
George Washington
The 4th Amendment protects citizens from this.
Unreasonable searches and seizures.
The idea that you have certain "inalienable" rights that come with being a human being, and no government ought to infringe upon them.
Natural Rights
The only Court that is explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
The Supreme Court
The Constitution was created as a replacement for this failed first version of a United States government.
The Articles of Confederation
The main writer of the declaration of independence
Thomas Jefferson
This amendment establishes Americans' "right to bear arms", citing the need for a well-regulated militia.
The 2nd amendment
The idea that government power should be restricted by laws to protect individual rights
Limited Government
A presidential candidate can be as popular as they like, but if they don't have enough of these special votes, it won't matter.
Electoral College
The agreement that 3 out of every 5 enslaved people would be counted for the purposes of representation in the House of Representatives.
The 3/5ths Compromise
He wrote most of the Federalist Papers, and is on the $10 bill.
Alexander Hamilton
"I plead the ___!" This amendment protects from self-incrimination, among other protections for those accused of crimes.
A form of government where citizens elect officials to act on their behalf, representing their concerns and opinions.
Representative Government
The age required to be in the US House of Representives.
North Carolina did ratify the Constitution until the end of 1790, because this hadn't been officially included yet.
The main author of the Constitution, and also the person whose notes we use as our main reference to know what happened at the convention.
James Madison
These two amendments were written to address issues that hadn't been specifically talked about in the Constitution/Bill of Rights.
The 9th and 10th amendments
The concept William Blackstone spent most of his time writing about.
Rule of Law
This provision in the Constitution gives Congress the expanded authority to make any laws that are needed to help them fulfill their explicitly listed duties.
The Necessary and Proper Clause
No more of this after 1808. The only real compromise made on slavery at the Constitutional Convention.
Importation of new slaves from Africa.
Sure he wrote some of the Federalist Papers, but he was also Chief Justice of the Supreme Court!
John Jay