Early Settlers
Colonial Failures
New Spain
New France
Other Non-British

This group of people were hunters and gatherers that are believed to have crossed from Asia to Alaska between 19,000-26,000 years ago, possibly developing these cultures.

Who are Native Americans?


This country had many failures setting up colonies in South Carolina, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia. The South Carolina one was called San Migueal de Gualdape.

Who is Spain?


Small outposts were established in this future U.S. state, one of those outpost was St. Augustine.

What is Florida? 


This U.S. state was a colony of France that came under British and Spanish control after the French and Indian War.

What is Louisiana?


New Netherland, a colonial province of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands' capital was New Amsterdam. When the English captured it in 1664 they renamed it to what it's known as even today.

What is New York?


This group of people are believed to have explored and colonized parts of the Americas around 1000 years ago or so, but there is much doubt to the claims they did.

Who are the Norse?


This country's failed colonies were in South Carolina, Florida, and Maine. It's South Carolina colony was at Parris Island.

Who is France?


This nation received "ownership" of Florida from Spain in 1763 via the Treaty of Paris.

Who is England?


New France included a large part of this future country that is not the United States.

What is Canada?


This colony existed along the Delaware River Valley from 1638 to 1655 and introduced Lutheranism and the log cabin to America. It was taken over by the Dutch in 1655 and became a part of New Netherland.

What is New Sweden?


This period of history for the United States covers events from the early 16th century though 1776.

What is the colonial history of the United States?


This European nation is often best known for colonizing the Americas and had failed colonies in North Carolina and Maine. Perhaps its most notable failure was the Lost Colony of Roanoke. 

Who is England?


When Spain traded Florida to Great Britain they got control of this place.

What is Havana, Cuba?


This Italian explorer is known as "The Father of Arkansas" the first European settlement in Arkansas, part of New France.

Who was Enrico Tonti?


This country's colony is close to its mainland and was purchased by the United States in 1867.

Who is Russia? 


Many types of people became settlers in the Americas and among them were adventurers, farmers, indentured servants, tradesmen, but very few from this group.

Who were aristocrats? 


The failed colony at Roanoke is known to have had this first.

Who was Virginia Dare, the first English child born in America?


These two current U.S. states were explored by Spain during two expeditions in 1538 through 1540.

What are Arizona and New Mexico? 


Due to a war with Great Britain that needed funding and not believing he could defend such a huge distant territory, this French leader made this deal to sell territory to the U.S. for $15 million. 

Who was Napoleon and what was the Louisiana Purchase?


This type of person was alandholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland.

What was a patroon?


These two religious groups settled both New England and Maryland escaping persecution from the Church of England and King Charles I.

Who were the Pilgrims and Roman Catholics? 


Many deaths were caused by disease, starvation, lack of supplies, and attacks by these two groups of people.

Who are Native Americans and rival European powers?


This famous explorer set sail on his second voyage with 17 ships and landed it on this island, he named it San Juan Bautista.

Who was Christopher Columbus and where is Puerto Rico?


The French and Indian War was a theater of this world-wide war where the British Empire fought the French.

What was the Seven Years' War?


THe Russian-American Company was formed for this purpose. 

What was to buy sea otters for their fur?
