The Colonies
American Revolution
Westward Expansion
Explain this to me...

This is the name of the first surviving pilgrim settlement in the colonies

What is Jamestown


On a dark night in 1773, badly disguised as Indigenous men, the Sons of Liberty carried out this act of protest.

What is the Boston Tea Party


This is the name of the first ten amendments of the Constitution.

What is the Bill of Rights


The belief that westward expansion was inevitable and destined by God.

What is Manifest Destiny


What was the trail of tears?

•In 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law

•Under the law, at least 18 tribes were forced to move west of the Mississippi River


This is the name of the Powhatan leaders daughter who married John Rolfe

Who is Pocahontas


This man commanded the Continental Army.

Who was George Washington

This past President, is often referred to as the "Father of the Constitution."

Who is James Madison


This was the migration to Oregon Territory.

What was the Oregon Trail.


What is the Alamo?

Mexican General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna ordered a siege of the Alamo Mission (near present-day San Antonio), which had been occupied by rebel Texas forces. Texas only had 200 fighters vs Mexicos 1000. Mexico eventually one the battle.


This was the first of the 13 Colonies

What is Virginia


In 1764, Parliament passed this Act, which set duties on molasses and sugar imported by the colonists

What is the Sugar Act


The House of Representatives is part of this branch of government.

What is the Legislative Branch


The deal President Thomas Jefferson made for the final price of $15 million dollars

What is the Louisiana Purchase.


The Lewis and Clark expeditions.

Lewis and Clark mapped out much of the land west of the Mississippi. They were some of the first Europeans to see the Pacific Ocean from the West Coast.


This was the main religion of the Massachusetts colony

What is Puritan


What was the Boston Tea Party?

It was an act of defiance against the King and his taxes. Colonists pour the tea shipment into the harbor.


This is the date the Declaration of Independence was ratified.

What is July 4, 1776


This 1849 event which caused a population boom in the West

What is the California Gold Rush


Wagon Trains?

Large numbers of wagons that would cross the country together for protection and company.


The middle colonies were often referred to as this food item.

What is the breadbasket


Written by Thomas Jefferson, this document cut ties between America and Great Britain and listed the numerous reasons justifying doing so

What is the Declaration of Independence                        


This document served as America's first attempt to govern itself as an independent nation.

What are the Articles of Confederation


The mass migration of settlers led by Brigham Young

What is the Mormon Trail.


Manifest Destiny

The belief that America was supposed to be from coast to coast - that it was per-ordained.


Which colony became a place where debtors and orphans could start a new life?

What is Georgia


This Act of 1765 required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items

What is the Stamp Act


The name given to the solution to the problem of how to count slaves as part of a state's population.

What is the Three-Fifths Compromise


This treaty ended the Mexican-American War.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo


The Mexican-American War?

America back Texas as an independent country from Mexico. Texas had several reasons for not wanting to be ruled by Mexico including the fact that most of the people that inhabited the area had came from the US and they also wanted to own slaves.

The name of the Quaker man who founded Pennsylvania

Who is William Penn


What were the shots heard in Lexington called? They 'started' the war.                                                      

The shots heard round the world.


Was the writing of the Declaration of Independence open to the public?

No, many tried to interrupt the process. The deliberations were held with the windows shuttered in the middle of summer.


The war that resulted in helping the U.S.A.  attain Manifest Destiny.

What is the Mexican-American War.


Westward Expansion?

The US government understood the best way to protect itself from other countries and to raise money for itself was to hold as much land as possible. As the population grew, more people were eager to move west to gain land and prosperity.


This is the name of the agreement created by the pilgrims before getting off their ship in the New World

What is the Mayflower Compact


In June 1767, Parliament passed the this Act, which placed duties on glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea.

What is the Townshend Acts


This man became the first Secretary of Treasury.

Who is Alexander Hamilton


This need for expansion west of the Appalachian Mountians led to this war.

What is the 7 year war or The French Indian War.


The Louisiana Purchase?

President Madison purchased Louisiana and most of the land touching the Mississippi to keep the control of the ports and to block the British from controlling them.


Name 6 of the 13 Colonies.

The 13 original states were New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.


On Christmas night, Washington and his troops crossed this river.

What is the Delaware River


When voting for President, this group actually determines the winner.

Who is the Electoral College


This U.S. President was responsible for starting the Mexican-American war

Who was President James Polk


The Oregon Trail?

A path that most settlers heading west of the Mississippi river took because it was mapped out and had a clear path through mountains/rivers/canyons using wagons.


Name the first settlement that mysteriously disappeared.

What was Roanoke?


This Major General would turn traitor and side with the British army.

Who is Benedict Arnold.


The Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan, and the Great Compromise all included this trifecta. Much like a tree.

What are the three branches of government


This is the amount of population required to form a state out of a territory.

What is 60,000 people


You have died of "Dissing Terry."

The computer game, Oregon Trail, would randomly kill people off by saying they got dysentery.
