Manifest Destiny
War of 1812
Social Changes in America
Industrialization in America

What was the main belief of Manifest Destiny?

Americans were destined by God to conquer the American continent from west and east coast 

How does the United States react to the outbreak of war between Great Britain and France in 1793?

The U.S remains Neutral 


This religious movement saw a surge in Christianity and faith in the states. 

Second Great Awakening 


What does the term Industrialization mean?

The production of goods rather than producing them by hand 


How did Congress come to an agreement on the issue of slavery in America during the Constitutional Convention?

The 3/5ths Compromise


What were the midwest territories known as?

- The Northwest Territories 

- The Northwest Ordinance 


What does the British "Impressment" of American sailors mean?

American sailors being kidnapped and forced into serving the Royal Navy 


What 1848 gathering was attended by women's rights figures such as Susan B. Anthony?

Seneca Falls Convention


How did Samuel Slater bring his technological inventions into the United States?

Memorizing the blueprints of equipment and other machines, than building them in America


What was the main goal of Andrew Jackson during his presidency?

The expansion of America westward 


What major land purchase did President Thomas Jefferson obtain from France in 1804?

The Louisiana Purchase 


How does Thomas Jefferson respond to British hostilities on the high seas?

He emplaces an embargo on Britan 


What was the Abolitionist Movement?

List one essential figure of this movement 

The movment to abolish slavery in America 


How did the invention of the cotton gin affect the market for slavery in the southern states?

The use of slave labor was revitalized in the south. As a result, the number of slaves demanded sky rocketed. 

Where were most Indians moved to after the Indian Removal Act of 1830? 

What did this path become known as?

- They were forced to reservations located in Oklahoma 

- The Trail of Tears 


Describe the 3 main regions of states that began to appear in the colonies 

The Northern Colonies: Based off of trade and industry. Becoming increasingly anti-slavery 

The Southern Colonies: Economically dependent on agriculture and slavery. Many previously small farms are now booming plantations 

The West: The lands between the Appalachian Mountain Range and the Mississippi River. Unexplored land. As Americans move westward, they encounter various types of people such as Native Americans, and Mexicans. 


After the failed invasion of Canada, what American city was burned by the British?

Washington, D.C


Provide an example how Andrew Jackson expanded voting rights in America 

- Allowed men who did not own land to vote 

- Supported "suffrage" or voting rights 

- Created election campaigns, rallies, and speeches 


Describe one invention that was produced during the age of Industrialization in the United States and its impact.

(Cannot be the cotton gin)

- Examples: Interchangeable parts, Steel Tipped Plow, Mechanical reaper, Factory system, etc.


What was the Monroe Doctrine? What did it do?

A declaration made by President James Monroe declaring that the American continent was closed to any future colonization by European Powers 


Describe the process a territory would need to pass through to achieve statehood in America

- When a territory had 5,000 free adult men, those men could elect a legislature. When the population reached 60,000 inhabitants, the territory could create a constitution and apply for statehood. Congress would then make the final vote in approving the territory for statehood.


Describe Andrew Jacksons leadership lead to an American Victory at the battle of New Orleans 

- Jackson led thousands of men, artillery, and supplies across the swamps of Louisiana 

- Jackson used the geography of New Orleans to put the British army at a disadvantage 

- Jackson did not allow his forces to surrender even against overwhelming odds


Describe the differences between the Federalist and the Democratic-Republican Parties 

Federalist Party: Created by Alexander Hamilton. Favored strong central government. Beloved a strong government needed to keep the states in line. 

Democratic-Republican Party: Favored a small central government. Beloved that the states should decide if the federal government was overstepping its boundaries 


How did Industrialization and the inventions of new technology change the economic and social structures of the United States?

- Movement from people working on the farm, to working in factories, textiles, and mills instead. 

- Technology meant more efficiency when producing goods. (ex. Farming) 

- Factories running from sun up to sun set 


Explain: How did President James Polk provoke a war with Mexico?

Polk sent U.S soldiers into disputed territory along the U.S-Mexico Border, trying to get Mexico to attack. After this, he claimed that Mexico had sought out war with America.
