Return to Normalcy
Active Reading Strategies
This was a method of production in which something is made by passing it from operation to operation until it is done.
What is an assembly line?
This was the president who promised the country a "Return to Normalcy"
Who is Harding?
"Why do earthquakes form?" is an example of this active reading strategy.
What is asking questions?
This revolution is when the tsar was removed from power and the socialists of the country took control.
What is the Russian Revolution?
He was the 1st black heavyweight champion of the world in boxing, and was despised by most white Americans.
Who is Jack Johnson?
This is the name for a fear of foreigners.
What is xenophobia?
Harding and Coolidge recommended policies that would encourage a friendly relationship between business and this.
What is government?
Looking at the title, any bold, underlined, or italicized words in a paragraph before reading is this active reading strategy.
What is using text features and visual cues?
This was the fear of Communism in the United States. Many people believed that the communists wanted to take over the country.
What is the Red Scare?
This movement was started by Marcus Garvey and called for African Americans to be proud of their heritage. The UNIA was created as a result.
What is black nationalism?
This trial was about a teacher who taught the theory of evolution in class and was sued by religous fundamentalists.
What is the Scopes-Monkey Trial?
This scandal was when government officials gave landgrants to companies on oil rich land in exchange for bribes.
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?
When reading about volcanoes, you picture a large mountain with lava flowing from the top of it in your head. This is an example of this active reading strategy.
What is making mental images?
A group of mine workers who were striking were gathered up and deported illegally by American citizens and it became known as this.
What is the Bisbee Deportation?
This group used the courts in order to fight for equality. It also wanted to eliminate hate between races and was joined by W.E.B. Dubois?
What is NAACP
This was a series of attempts to round up and deport foriegners who had extreme political opinions or were suspected of supported those against our government.
What is the Palmer raids?
President Harding placed these on goods coming in from other countries in order to protect the economy.
What are tariffs?
When reading about rivers, you think to yourself that you know that Pittsburgh has 3 rivers that run through the city. This is an example of this active reading strategy
What is activating prior knowledge?
This was a 16 year old immigrant who was deported for encouraging people to not sign up for the draft.
Who is Emma Goldman?
Many Hispanics moved to this part of the country to escape racism and to find jobs.
What is the Southwest/West?
This was the trial of 2 immigrants who were accused of murder. They were anarchists and many people believed the trial was not fair.
What is the Sacco and Vendzetti trial?
AFL meant this, and was also one of the 1st labor unions.
What is the American Federation of Labor?
When a person makes a conclusion based on what you read and what you already know this person is using this active reading strategy.
What is drawing inferences?
These were limits on immigration that were imposed to stop immigrants from coming to the U.S.
What are quotas?
The large immigration of African Americans to cities of the North in order to escape racism and find jobs was known as this.
What is the Great Migration?