What is a primary source?
Something that comes directly from the past. It's like a first-hand account of what happened during a certain time
Is a trust a monopoly?
What is the Progressive Era?
When Americans tried to solve problems and make life better.
What was the spark that started WWI?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Who is the youngest person to become US President?
Teddy Roosevelt
How long would a journey along the Oregon Trail take?
6+ months
What does the word suffrage mean?
The right to vote in elections
What event caused the U.S. to declare war on Spain?
The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
Which President wrote the 14 Points?
How many U.S. Presidents served in the US Civil War?
What is assimilation?
Abandoning your traditional culture, and adopting a new one.
What is a trust?
A type of monopoly in which many different companies in one industry are owned and run by the same people.
Who was John Muir?
An important person in the Conservation Movement
Which countries were apart of the Central Powers?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and The Ottoman Empire
In The United States, who has the power to declare war?
How did Native Americans view land ownership?
Land was communal, not one person in the tribe could control it.
Who was Lewis Hine?
A photographer who documented child labor
What war led to the United States being called an imperial power?
Spanish-American War
Germany's invasion of what country caused the British Empire to enter the war?
"Blame the Maine on Spain" is a slogan from what war?
The Spanish-American War
What impact did the railroads have on the United States and the rest of the world?
Time zones
What is Laissez-faire?
Businesses are able to do what they want, the government doesn't tell them what to do
Why did business owners and politicians trust Sam Gompers?
He aimed to improve wages and working conditions without changing the entire system
What is the right to self determination?
The right for a group of people to create a government that represent them, without other countries telling them what to do.
What agreement ended the fighting on the Western Front during WWI?
Armistice of Compiègne