What was the largest contributr to Native Americans deaths during the time of colonists coming to the U.S?
Tea Act
An act increasing prices on tea - lead to Boston Tea party
What paper, sent to England, started the American Revolution?
The declaration of independance
What is the Bill of Rights?
*Bonus* - what is a specific thing it states
The first ten amendments of the constitution granting individual rights as well as restricting the federal government and stating that people have more rights than are listed
What did New England do/make?
-Ship building
-Farmed just enough to live off of
What was the largest thing colonists and Native Americans argued over?
Land and who it belonged to
Stamp act
An act that made it so people had to buy a specific stamp to put on any piece of official paper
What was a patriot vs what was a loyalist?
Patriot - wanted to leave Britain
Loyalist - didn't want to
Where was it decided that a new constitution was needed?
Constiutional convention
What did the South do/make?
-Cash crops - tobacco
-Kept wanting more land
What did Native Americans believe about land?
It was alive and therefore could not be owned or traded
Quartering Act
Americans had to give shelter to British soldiers
In what way were black people involved in the revolution? (specifically slaves)
British - They thought they would be freed - king said
Patriots - freedom but also believed in revolution
What was the original constiution-like document used before the constituion in the U.S?
The Articles of Confederation
What did the middle colonies do/make?
-Some farming - rice
-some shipbuilding
-made textiles
-took education seriously
What were relations between Native Americans and Jamestown citizens like?
They were not good
-Jamestown took land
-Native Americans burned their crops and killed their animals
Declaratory act
After the Boston Tea party Britain made this act which basically said "we can tax you however we want"
What war was a large contributor to the American Revolution?
French & Indian War
What was a federalist vs what was an anti-federalist?
Federalist - believed in constitution - wanted a strong central government - worried a bill of rights would imply that those were the only rights people had
Anti federalist - wanted bill of rights - didn't want a strong central government
Why was it important that different colonies did different things?
Specialization is important
What were relations between Native Americans and Quakers like?
Quakers believed in peace so they sat down and had conversations with the Native Americans so that there would be no disputes
Townshend acts
Taxes put on items like paper, glass, lead, paint, & tea
What was Shays' Rebellion?
A farmer rebellion led by Shays a Revolutionary War veteran who believed he and other farmers were being taxed too harshly due to the country's debt
What was a weakness of the articles of confederation?
-couldn't tax
-states had all of the power
-no branches
-states made their own currency
-No one person in charge (president)
Name a state that was not an original one of the 13 colonies
-New Mexico
-North Dakota
-South Dakota
-West Virginia