What President was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in 1963?
Who is John F. Kennedy
The United States entered this war after the Zimmerman telegram was sent
What is World War I
First African American President
Who is President Barack Obama
Teddy Roosevelt policy of protecting the Western Hemisphere with force if needed
What is Big Stick Diplmacy
When a stronger country takes over or heavily influences a weaker country
What is Imperialism
What President implemented New Deal programs during the Great Depression?
Who is Franklin D Roosevelt
This was a 44 year period of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union
What was the Cold War
Who started the Hull House in Chicago to help immigrants coming into the country?
Who was Jane Addams
Established by US Secretary of State John Hay, this policy stated that other nations must have equal trade rights with China
What is Open Door Policy
In the 1930s the Great Plains was plagued by overproduction and drought causing this catastrophic event
What is the Dust Bowl
What President promised to keep us out of the war and was famous for his "14 Points" for world peace?
Who is Woodrow Wilson
This was started when the North invaded the South and the United States intervened due to the Truman Doctrine. It ended divided how is started.
What was the Korean War
Turned the Brooklyn Dodgers into an integrated baseball team in 1947
Jackie Robinson
Implemented by Lyndon B Johnson in the 1960's, this domestic policy expanded the federal government
What was the Great Society
Young women who went against the traditional way of life. Open about things that were taboo in the time – public drinking, way they dressed and looked
Who is a flapper
This President began the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, was in office during hurricane Katrina and implemented "No Child Left Behind" policy.
Who was George W Bush
The United States entered this war after the events that occurred December 7, 1941 by the Japanese.
What was World War II
Teacher in Tennessee that broke state law by teaching evolution in the classroom
Who was John T Scopes
Meant to help American businesses, this act deepened the effects of the Great Depression world wide.
What was the Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Fear of communism spreading to the United States in the the early 1900s and again in the 1950s
What was the Red Scare
This President was in office when the stock market crashed in 1929. He believed in "Rugged Individualism".
Who is Herbert Hoover
The Battle Cry was "Remember the Maine"
What was Spanish American War
The 20th child of a sharecropper who grew up on a plantation in the Delta. After unsuccessfully registering to vote, beaten, and arrested, became a full-time civil rights worker in MS. Became the voice of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP)
Fannie Lou Hamer
Implemented during the Bill Clinton administration, this foreign trade agreement sent many American jobs to other countries.
What is NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
Replace the League of Nations as the worlds peacekeeping organization in 1945 following WWII
What is the United Nations