Cold War/1950's
Immigration and labor

In this 1948 event, the U.S. and other allies flew food and supplies to West Berlin after East Germany and the Soviets implemented the Berlin Blockade.

What was the Berlin Airlift?


This is a market in which one company controls all of an industry.

What is a monopoly?


This was Nixon's plan for Vietnam in which the US slowly withdrew while handing the war over to the South Vietnamese.

What was Vietnamization?


This scandal eventually led to the resignation of Richard Nixon. Nixon was pardoned by Ford afterward for "any crimes that may have been committed" against the United States.

What was Watergate?


He was the president during most of WWII.

Who was FDR?


This is the term for the culture around making unfounded claims that people were communist. It was named after a Wisconsin senator who frequently made such accusations.

What is McCarthyism?


Andrew Carnegie bought out all producers of raw materials and all distributors necessary to make his product (steel). This is the name of that type of integration.

What is vertical integration?


This incident led to the president receiving unchecked powers of war and led to increased US involvement in Vietnam.

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?


This was the group that Nixon called on to help him win the 1968 election. They were middle-class Americans who did not protest or do drugs or hang with the hippies.

Who were "The Silent Majority"?


This was the largest amphibious operation of World War II.

What was D-Day or Operation Overlord?


This was a metaphor used by Winston Churchill to describe the growing communist threat in Eastern Europe. "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic a(n) _________________ has descended across the continent.

What was the iron curtain?


These were dirty, multi-family housing units for the working poor in cities.

What were tenements?


Kennedy was assassinated in this year.

What was 1963?


This was the name of Reagan's economic policy, which cut taxes (especially for the wealthy) and generally cut government spending, except in the case of the military.

What is Reaganomics or Trickle Down Economics or Voodoo Economics?


This president signed the executive order that moved nearly 120,000 Japanese to internment camps.

Who was FDR?


This plan provided economic aid to European countries after World War II in order to help rebuild their economies and encourage democracy.

What was the Marshall Plan?


This act set strict limits on the number and types of Chinese immigrants.

What is The Chinese Exclusion Act?


This was Lyndon Johnson's set of domestic policies, which included several social welfare programs aimed at eradicating poverty, rebuilding cities, and benefitting the poor and minorities.

What was the Great Society?


This 1989 event in Germany signalled the end of the Cold War and the upcoming fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Both fell while Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union.

What was the fall of the Berlin Wall?


The first atomic bomb was dropped on this city.

What was Hiroshima?


This organization included the US and Western European countries, and it declared that if one member nation was attacked, the others would enter into military conflict to support them.

What was NATO?


These journalists called attention to poor conditions in urban areas. Some wrote about workplace ills, others about child labor, others about racial inequality, others about housing.

Who were muckrakers?


This path enabled North Vietnamese to move troops and supplies from North Vietnam to South Vietnam by moving through Cambodia and Laos.

What was the Ho Chi Minh Trail?


This statement from president Regan is often called this:

“We must stand by our democratic allies. And we must not break faith with those who are risking their lives—on every continent, from Afghanistan to Nicaragua—to defy Soviet-supported aggression and secure rights which have been ours from birth. Support for freedom fighters is self-defense.”

What is the Regan Doctrine?


In 1979, this organization cut off their supply of oil to the US.

What was OPEC?
