Industry & Society
Expansion & Empire
World War I
Between the Wars

Nineteenth century idea that factories and industries should be socially owned and run, rather than privately owned, with production based on need rather than profit

What is socialism?


The ship that blew up in Havana Harbor in 1898, a major catalyst for war

What is the U.S.S. Maine?


A cause of WWI, in which the major European powers competed with one another by dominating the land, resources, and people of smaller nations

What is imperialism?


A progressive reform intended to improve the moral character of America by outlawing alcohol, which became law (18th amendment) but was later repealed (21st amendment)

What is prohibition?


The United States reacted to the rise of fascism in Europe by passing a series of laws aimed at maintaining this

What is neutrality?


A response to the excesses of capitalism, in which the people pushed government to fight monopolies, end child labor, and improve working and housing conditions

What is progressivism?


The U.S. went off to fight Spanish troops in this country in order to free its citizens from Spanish oppression

What is Cuba?


Name for the attitude many Americans had about staying out of European affairs

What is isolationism?


A progressive reform (19th amendment) that guaranteed a key right for women and kicked off the "roaring twenties"

What is women's suffrage?


In early 1941, with Great Britain the lone democracy again Germany, President Roosevelt proposed sending aid and weapons. He said we must become this

What is the Arsenal of Democracy?


Industrialist who used the organizational principle of vertical integration to lower costs of producing steel

Who is Andrew Carnegie?


Leader of the Rough Riders, whose fame in the Spanish American War earned him the governorship of New York and then the Vice Presidency

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


A telegram in which Germany announced the resumption of "unrestricted submarine warfare" and proposed and alliance with Mexico against the U.S.

What is the Zimmermann Telegram?


Causes of the Great Depression include overproduction, unsound credit practices, deflation, buying stocks "on margin", and a major crash of this financial investment system

What is the stock market?


American neutrality was shattered when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on this day of infamy

What is December 7, 1941?


Fraternal organization of farmers organized against the monopolistic railroad industry

What was the Grange?


Name of the foreign policy that forbid European nations from establishing new colonies in the Western Hemisphere and pledged that the U.S. would stay out of European affairs

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


Wilson's plan to make WWI the "war to end all war"

What are the Fourteen Points?


Unlike Hoover's limited use of government to address the depression, Franklin Roosevelt initiated this massive government intervention

What is the New Deal?


American forces fought in North Africa and Italy before finally opening up a second front in France on June 6, 1944, also known as

What is D-Day?


An organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests

What is a labor union?


Change to the Monroe Doctrine that allowed the U.S. to invade Central and South American countries to collect debts for European nations (so that they wouldn't invade)

What is the Roosevelt Corollary?


Name of the international organization created to maintain peace, which the U.S. did not join

What is the League of Nations?


The goals of the New Deal were relief, recovery, and reform. This reform created an old age pension and unemployment insurance

What is the Social Security Act?


The Big Three alliance included the United States, Great Britain, and this country

What is the Soviet Union?
