Who was W.E.B. De Bois?
He was an activist in the 20th century fighting for African American rights. Most famously known for the creation of NAACP and The souls of Black Folk
Define labor
work especially physical labor
Garvey was deported from America
What is were the three strategies to gain woman’s suffrage?
State by state, constitution amendment, moral persuasion
Why was industrialization bad for kids?
Long hours, injuries, and poor nutrition
Why did Garvey go to prison for 5 years?
Mail fraud
Define capitalism
privately owned businesses for profit
Public schools are an example of a monopoly
What amendment gave the right for woman to vote?
The 19th amendment
Who said this? “I believe the negro race, like all races, is going to be saved by its exceptional man”
W.E.B De Bois
What is a major difference between Booker T Washington and W.E.B De Bois?
Washington focused on vocational training while W.E.B. De Bois focused on higher education and civil rights.
Define suffrage
the right to vote
A majority of people during this time lived in gross/ unsuitable cramped conditions
What were arguments against woman gaining the right to vote
Woman are emotional, care takers, suppose to be in the home, not smart enough
What is overproduction ?
US economy has low prices for crops and goods even though there was no shortage.
What did Eugene debs do for progressivism?
Help to create pone of the first labor unions for the American railroad system
Define monopoly
a company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service:
When was the 19th amendment ratified
August of 1920
Who said this “The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremist folly”
Booker T. Washington
Why was Eleanor Roosevelt important during this time?
she forced her husband to accept ideas of progressivism such as woman rights, civil rights, etc
Define what a muckraker is
Journalist who aimed to expose social injustice and corruption.
Susan B Anthony was an abolitionist
Name a female historical figure that was a leader in the woman’s suffrage movement.
Susan b Anthony
What group of people suffered the most from economic. Systems driven by Wall Street and monopolies?
Common people or farmers