Presidents Peeps
Those wild and crazy 70s
Native Americans

This person was president during 9/11

George W. Bush


an American upholsterer who was credited by her relatives in 1870 with making the first American flag,

Betsy Ross


One of the more bizarre "toys" of the 70s, conceived by a California advertising executive, Gary Dahl who was tired of hearing his friends complain about the time and expense of taking care of their pets.

Pet Rocks


was a Lakota war leader of the Oglala band in the 19th century. He took up arms against the United States federal government to fight against encroachment by white American settlers on Native American territory and to preserve the traditional way of life …

Crazy Horse


Boston was the only "Tea Party" true or false?

False, there were at least 10 Tea Party's up and down the Eastern seaboard that were inspired by the original and most famous.


This president is on the $5 bill

Abraham Lincoln


38th president, the only president never elected

Gerald Ford


Invented in 1975 and introduced to the public shortly thereafter, a ring that contained liquid crystal or some other sort of thermochromic element that would change color in response to body temperature.

Hence, the ring was advertised as having the ability to indicate the emotional state of the person wearing it on their finger. Originally, the rings were fairly expensive but were later made available as inexpensive costume jewelry.

Mood Ring


is most well know for accompanying Meriwether Lewis and William Clark during their Corps of Discovery of the Western United States in 1806.



Custers Last stand 1876


The youngest President to hold office is Threodore Roosevelt  True or False


Theodore Roosevelt was 42 years 10 months and 18 days

John F Kennedy was 43 years, 7 months 22 days old


The first secretary of the Treasury of the United States ( also a popular Broadway musical)

Alexander Hamilton


Farah Fawcett


 was a prominent Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache who defended his people against the encroachment of the US on their tribal lands for over 25 years. He  said he was never actually a chief, he was rather a military leader. As a Chiricahua Apache, this meant he was also a spiritual leader. He consistently urged raids and war upon many Mexican and later U.S. groups.



Great Britain forced its 13 American colonies to pay taxes but did not give them representation in the British Parliament. This and other injustices led the colonies to declare independence on July 4, 1776. Independence was achieved in 1783, when the Treaty of Paris was signed with Britain. This sparked the....

American Revolution


Name 2 of the presidents you can find on Mt. Rushmore

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Theodore Roosevelt


Jimmy Carters Wife's Name

Rosalynn Carter


this event took place in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, with the goal of increasing national awareness of the issues, and creating a movement. Today it’s celebrated globally and is sometimes extended to _____ Week which is 7 days of events focused on creating a more environmentally friendly culture.

Earth Day


He is famous in both American and Native American history mostly for his major victory at the Battle of Little Bighorn against Custer, where his ‘premonition’ of defeating them became reality.

Sitting Bull


Iraq invaded Kuwait, and a U.S.-led multinational force came to Kuwait's aid and expelled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's forces. This is known as the

Gulf War  1991


The only president in history with no political or military experience prior to taking office.

Donald Trump


Who was Abraham Lincolns wife

Mary Todd Lincoln


In 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen, who had been friends since childhood, founded this computer software company



 was a Native American woman who married an Englishman called John Rolfe and became a celebrity in London in the last year of her life. She was a daughter of Wahunsunacock (also known as Chief or Emperor Powhatan), who presided over an area comprised of almost all of the neighboring tribes in Virginia (called Tenakomakah then). Her formal names were Matoaka and Amonute;  In her last days she went by Rebecca Rolfe, choosing to live an English life by abandoning her Native American heritage.



The causes of this war can be traced back to Texas winning its independence from Mexico in 1836.

Mexican-American war
