1 overview of twenty-sixth amendment, reduction of voting age.
section 1: the right of citizens of the united states, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states on account of age.
what was big stick policy about?
Big stick diplomacy is the policy of carefully mediated negotiation ("speaking softly") supported by the unspoken threat of a powerful military ("big stick").
what does it means buying on margin?
Buying on margin involves getting a loan from your brokerage and using the money from the loan to invest in more securities than you can buy with your available cash. through margin buying, investors can amplify their returns -but only if their investments outperform cost of the loan itself.
How was bill of right created?
On october 2, 1789, president washington sent copies of the 12 amendment adopted by congress to the states, by december 15, 1791, three-fourths of the states had ratified 10 of these, now know as the "Bill of rights"/
Brown V. Board of education?
A case of which the court decided that the "separate but equal" standards of racial segregation were unconstitutional, paving the way for the civil rights.
what the second red scare?
The second red scare, which occurred immediately after world war II, was preoccupied with the perception that national or foreign communists were infiltrating or subverting american society and the federal government
what executive order 9066 mean?
Authorized the military to exclude "any or all person" from areas of the united states designated as "military areas" although the order did not identify any particular groups, it was designed to remove-and eventually used to incarcerate- japanese aliens and american citizens of japanese descent
how did communism start?
what could you do on federalists day?
Largely influenced by the ideas of alexander hamilton, the federalists succeeded in convincing the washington administration to assume nation and state debts, pass tax laws, and creates a central bank. these moves undoubtedly saved the fledgling democracy from poverty and even destruction.
what is baby boom?
A temporary marked increase in the birth rate, especially the one following world war II.
what happens on black tuesday?
The wall street crash of 1929, also know as the great crash, the crash of 29, or black tuesday,was a major american stock market crash that occurred in the autumn of 1929. it started in september and ended in mid november, when share prices on the new york stock exchange collapse.
how did world war II started?
world war II began on september 1, 1939, with the german invasion of poland.
what is roaring twenties about?
The roaring twenties was a decade of economic growth and widespread prosperity, driven by recovery from wartime devastation and deferred spending, a boom in construction, and the rapid growth of consumer good as automobiles and electricity in north american.
what is Enlightenment?
The action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.
LBJ's great society?
The great society was a set of domestic programs in the united states launched by democratic president lyndon B. Johnson in 1964-65. The term was first referenced during a 1964 speech by president lyndon B.
what is domino theory?
U.S.S. maine?
Maine was a united states navy ship that sank in havana harbor on february 15, 1989, contributing to the outbreak of the spanish-american war in april.
what does jazz age mean?
The 1820s in the US characterized as a period of carefree hedonism, wealth, freedom, and youth exuberance, reflected in the novels of writers such as F. Scoot fitzgerald
what was the declaration of independence?
document that was approved by the continental congress on july 4, 1776.
original name black panther party for self-defense, african american revolutionary party, founded in 1966 in oakland.
what was up with nuclear race?
The nuclear arms race was an arms race competition for supremacy in nuclear warfare between the united states, the soviet union, and their respective allies.
what is the spanish-american war?
The war ended with the signing of the treaty of paris on december 10, 1898,
when did new deal started?
The new deal was series of programs, public work project, financial reforms, and regulation enacted by president franklin D. Roosevelt in the united states between 1933 and 1939.
The US constitution?
We are the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility.
what is the age of affluence?
age of affluence, a period when men's economic security and income have increased and when, for the first time in history.