Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Unit 8
Unit 9

Succeeded in bringing 300 families into Texas and thereby beginning a steady migration of American settlers into vast frontier territory.

Who is Stephen Austin?


Mexican cowboys that rounded up cattle raised in Texas.

What are vaqueros?


An intense form of nationalism calling for an aggressive foreign policy.

What is jingoism?


He declared "an iron curtain has descended across the continent" of Europe.

Who is Winston Churchill?


The Reagan administration advocated supply-side economics, arguing that tax cuts and reduced government spending would lead to increased investment by the private sector, which would lead to increased production, jobs, and prosperity.

What is "Reaganomics"?


The treaty negotiated by diplomat Nicholas Trist with Mexico that consisted of terms favorable to the United States.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?


Encouraged farming of the Great Plains by offering 160 acres of public land for free to any family that settled on it for a period of 5 years.

What is the Homestead Act of 1862?


Wrote that people of the Anglo-Saxon stock were the "fittest to survive."

Who was Reverend Josiah Strong? (Our Country: Its Possible Future and Present Crisis-1885)


The first successful satellite launched into orbit around the earth.

What is Sputnik?


Russian openness to end political repression and move toward greater political freedom for Soviet citizens.

What is glasnost?


What is Manifest Destiny?


The theory of natural selection in biology applied to society - led by social philosopher Herbert Spencer.

What is Social Darwinism?


Hatred and fear of foreigners.

What is xenophobia?

The US economy during the 1970s was in a period of economic slowdown and high inflation.

What is stagflation?

In 2012, President Obama took executive action to protect undocumented young people brought to the US as children from deportation and to allow them to continue their education and apply for work permits.

What is the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals? (DACA)


Whig nomination for the election of 1848 and a Mexican War hero.  He had never been involved in politics.

Who was Zachary Taylor


Landmark case of 1896, the Supreme Court upheld a Louisiana law requiring "separate but equal accommodations" for White and Black railroad passengers.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


The label applied to Theodore Roosevelt's aggressive foreign policy.

What is Roosevelt's "big stick" policy? (Roosevelt's motto to "speak softly and carry a big stick.")

In his book, economist John Kenneth Galbraith wrote about the failure of wealthy Americans to address the need for increased social spending for the common good.

What is Affluent Society (1958)?


Aimed to extend affordable health insurance to an additional 25 million Americans through a combination of subsidies, mandates, insurance exchanges, and expansion of Medicaid while introducing medical and insurance reforms to control health care costs.

What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 ("Obamacare")?


The most influential book of it's day; written in 1852 that moved a generation of Northerners and Europeans to regard all slave owners as cruel and inhuman.

What is Uncle Tom's Cabin? (Harriet Beecher Stowe)

This Act was intended to break up tribal organizations, which many felt kept American Indians from becoming "civilized" and law-abiding citizens.

What is the Dawes Act of 1887?


Advocated birth control education, especially among the poor.

Who was Margaret Sanger?


Organization that worked for decades to try to overturn the Supreme Court's 1896 decision in Plessy v. Ferguson.

What is the NAACP? (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)


Hit the Gulf Coast hard and flooded New Orleans in August of 2005, FEMA failed to both anticipate and respond to the crisis.

What is Hurricane Katrina?


The idea that people should determine whether to allow slavery in a new western territory or state not Congress.

What is squatter sovereignty or popular sovereignty?
A belief that Black and White Southerners shared a responsibility for making their region prosper.

What is the Atlanta Compromise?


By using a stopwatch to time the tasks performed by factory workers, he discovered ways of organizing people in the most efficient manner; scientific management system.

Who is Frederick W. Taylor?

This organization to recruit young American volunteers to give technical aid to developing countries was set up in 1961 by John F. Kennedy.  

What is the Peace Corps?


Negotiated to replace NAFTA, which had been in effect since 1994.  It was designed to protect American jobs and won bipartisan support in Congress.

What is the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)?


Supreme court ruling that Congress had no power to deprive any person of property without due process of law; this included slaves - Congress could not exclude slavery from any federal territory.

What is Dred Scott v. Sandford?


Withdrew federal timberlands from development and regulated their use.

What are the Forest Reserve Act of 1891 and the Forest Management Act of 1897?


This president candidate promised a New Freedom for the country during the election of 1912, part of which was a moral approach to foreign affairs.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


Secretary of state under Nixon; helped fashion a pragmatic foreign policy that reduced the tensions of the Cold War.

Who is Henry Kissinger?


It was established in 1994 to oversee trade agreements, enforce trade rules, and settle disputes.

What is the World Trade Organization?


Senator who proposed a constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to hold slaves in all territories south of the old Missouri Compromise line.

Who is Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky?


The idea that material success was a sign of God's favor and just a reward for hard work.

What is the Protestant work ethic?


Aroused nationalist anger of the American people and helped to push the US into World War I

What is the Zimmerman telegram?


Ended the ethnic quotas acts of the 1920s favoring Europeans and thereby opened the US to immigrants from all parts of the world. Immigration increased sharply.

What is the Immigration Act of 1965?


It was designed to improve regulation of banking and investment firms and to protect taxpayers from future bailouts of businesses that were "too big to fail."

What is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (2010)?


Supreme court ruling after the Civil War that the government had improperly subjected civilians to military trials.

What is Ex Parte Milligan?


A New York political machine (a tightly organized group of politicians that doled out government jobs to loyal supporters).

What is Tammany Hall?

Legislation that created a federal insurance program based  upon the automatic collection of payments from employees and employers throughout people's working careers.

What is the Social Security Act?


Legislation that permanently set aside certain federal lands from commercial economic development in order to preserve them in their natural state.

What is the Wilderness Act?

Gave the US Government unparalleled powers to obtain information and to expand surveillance and arrest powers.

What is the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001?


Insiders gave stock to influential members of congress to avoid investigations of the profits they were making from government subsidies for building the transcontinental railroad.

What is the Credit Mobilier affair?


Allowed only a limited coinage of between $2 million and $4 million in silver each month at the standard silver-to-gold ratio of 16 to 1 (1870s).

What is the Bland-Allison Act?


U.S. response to Japan's violation of the Open Door policy - the US refused to recognize the legitimacy of any regime like "Manchukuo" that had been established by force.  

What is the Stimson Doctrine?


The Burger Court's most controversial ruling.

What is Roe v. Wade (1973)?


Wave of protests in the Middle East and North Africa in 2010.  Civil unrest toppled governments in Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt, and Yemen.

What is the "Arab Spring"?
