Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 2 and 3
Lesson 3 Continued

What is the term for the idea that people living in a territory had the right to decide by voting whether to allow slavery?

What is popular sovereignty? 


What major US political party that no longer exists was split in two between northern and southern states over the topic of slaver?

Who were the Whigs?


What is the term for an act of Rebellion against  the established government?

What is an insurrection?


Who spoke the following words: "In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies."

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


what is the term that means withdrawal from the union?

What is secession?


What was the nickname for the American Party that eventually also split over the topic of slavery and the northern part was absorbed by the Republican Party?

who were the "Know-Nothings?"


What New York Senetor did not recieve the republican nomination in the 1860 election because his views on slavery were considered too extreme, and they nominated Abraham Lincoln instead?

Who was William Seward?


What is the name for the law administered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency?

What is Martial Law?


what balance of power did the compromise of 1850 attempt to maintain?

What is power between slave and non-slave states?


What was the name of the enslaved black man who sued his slaveholder claiming he should be freed because he had lived in a free state, and whose case eventually made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the slaveholder?

Who was Dred Scott?


Even though the Republicans including Lincoln said that southern states could continue owning slaves, what did the southern states do as soon as lincoln won the nomination for president?

what is Secede?


Who was elected president of the confederate States?

Who was Jefferson Davis?


What book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed some of the horrors of slaver to the American public?

What is "Uncle Tom's Cabin?"


What popular democratic senator debated Lincoln as the both ran for a senate seat representing the state of Illinois?

Who was Stephen Douglas?


What was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln was nominated for President?

What is South Carolina?


What was located in the harbor outside of Charleston South Carolina that was home to the first military battle of the civil war?

What is fort Sumter?


what is the name for the railway system that extended across the whole continent of North America?

What is the trans-continental railroad?


Who was the fervent abolitionist who seized a federal arsenal at Harper's ferry, arming enslaved people to revolt against their slaveholders, but they were quickly crushed by the US Marines?

Who was John Brown?


What Kentucky Senator proposed some constitutional amendments protecting slavery in southern states and reinstating the Missouri compromise line where every state north of the line would be free and everyone to the south would be a slave state? 

Who was Senator John J. Crittenden?


What border state that had remained neutral split when the Confederate army occupied their territory caused the state to vote to stay in the Union, but many of the inhabitants disagreed and formed a rival government and voted to secede?

What is Kentucky?
