Exploration and Colonization
American Revolution
Launching a New Nation
Moving West and Reform
Civil War and Reconstruction

What are the 3 reasons for European exploration in the new world?

Gold, Glory, & God

What phrase summarizes the cause of the American Revolution?
What is "No Taxation without representation".
What was the first government (Constitution) of the new nation called?
What is the Articles of Confederation.

Explain the Land Ordinance of 1785

Surveyed new lands out west, made a method for selling land required land to be set aside for the creation of schools.


List 3 differences between the North & South prior to the Civil War. 

Population, railroads, and economic output


What was the impact of colonization on the Native Americans.

What is death brought by disease.


The French and Indian War left Britain with large amounts of debt. What are two effects of this war on the colonists?

Proclamation of 1763 & the Stamp Act 

What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
What is they could not collect taxes and they could not enforce laws.
What is the name of the movement to end slavery?
What is Abolition.

What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

Freed slaves in the rebellious states


What was the name of the 3rd leg of the Triangular Trade route that brought over enslaved Africans to the Americas called?

What is the Middle Passage.


When colonists began to get upset about the taxes, they began to protest. These protests led to the British passing further acts to punish the colonists. Name 1 of these Acts and what it did.

What is Quartering Act (forced colonists to house British soldiers), Coercive Acts (banned town meetings, closed the Boston Harbor, extended the territory of Canada.


Explain the Great Compromise.

It created a 2 house legislative branch. The House of Representatives is based on population and the Senate provides equal representation


The war of 1812 occurred when the American colonies were continuously attacked at sea during the European war. What was the main impact of this war on the American colonies?

What is provided the colonists with a sense of patriotism or nationalism & it stimulated the American economy

What battle was the turning point of the Civil War?
What is the battle of Gettysburg.

What religious group dominated the New England colonies and were intolerant of other religions?

The Puritans.


Who were the Sons of Liberty?

What is a colonial group that led protests against Britain and was led by Samuel Adams.


What is the difference between a Federalist and Anti - Federalist?

What is a Federalist supported ratifying the constitution as it was written. Anti - Federalist believed that a Bill of Rights ensuring individual rights needed to be added before ratification.

Federalist wanted a strong national govt. Anti-Federalist wanted more state's rights


What was the name of the act that forced removal of Native Americans from their land and what was the name of the forced movement of the Cherokee people from their land.

What is the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears.


There are 3 Amendments that are known as the slavery amendments (amendment 13, 14 and 15). What do they do?

What is 13th amendment ended slavery, 14th amendment granted citizenship and the 15th amendment gave the right to vote.


What was the relationship with the Native Americans like in the New England Colonies?

They had conflict over land


What was the effect of the First Great Awakening on colonist?

It led them to question the king and want independence from Great Britain


What is the name of the document that currently sets up our government and what is the name of the first 10 Amendments that guarantee our individual rights?

What is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


What is Manifest Destiny?

What is the belief that the United States is destined to go West to the Pacific Ocean.


What was Reconstruction?

The time period after the Civil War that was supposed to unify the nation
