Apartments built in the city slums to house people. Immigrants lived in these poorly built units.
What is tenements?
This Constitutional Amendment is known as prohibition; it made the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol illegal. As a result, organized crime and people like Al Capone became famous in the US.
What is the 18th Amendment?
When William Randolph Hearst told his reporter in Cuba: "You supply the pictures, I'll furnish the war," he was using this technique.
What is "yellow journalism"?
Best known for Hull House
Improved mass-production techniques affected the American economy of the 1920s by
What is reducing the prices of consumer goods
A name for a company that controls or dominates an industry in order to eliminate competition and control prices.
What is a monopoly?
1 The reform movements of the Progressive Era generally focused on —
Social Injustice
The explosion of this in 1898 triggered a war between the US and Spain.
What is the USS Maine?
Aviator who flew across the Atlantic Ocean non-stop
Who is Charles Lindbergh
He used the assembly line to speed up production and satisfy demand in the automobile industry.
Who is Henry Ford?
Prohibited immigration of Chinese Labor; 1st time US restricted immigration.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
This provided women the right to vote.
What is the 19th amendment?
This policy ensured that the U.S. could trade with China.
What is the Open Door Policy?
Known for the establishment of Hull House
Who is Jane Adams?
This teacher was put on trial for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution.
Who is John Scopes?
This act outlawed business monopolies
What is the Sherman Anti-trust Act?
Upton Sinclair's The Jungle led to the passage of these two act
What is the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act?
The rise of nativism led to this Act in 1882, which prohibited these immigrants from legally coming to the US, despite the fact that they played a major role in the construction of the nation's railroads.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
Journalist and social reformer Ida B. Wells was responsible for exposing the brutality associated with
What is Lynching?
Period of African American cultural creativity in music, art, and literature.
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
One way political machines gained power during the Gilded Age was by
Providing services to immigrants and the poor
She was a leader of the women's suffrage movement.
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
This individual was part of the Rough Riders, enforced the Big Stick policy, and president during the construction of the Panama Canal.
Who is Teddy Roosevelt?
Frances Willard’s efforts as a Progressive reformer included
What is the Temperance Movement
Repealed the 18th amendment.
What is the 21st amendment?