Group of department heads who advise the president
First President of the United States
George Washington
What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
the Bill of Rights
The last battle of the American Revolution
3 regions of original colonies
New England, Middle and Southern Colonies
Which branch of government interprets the laws?
Judicial Branch
Revolutionary War
The idea that the power to rule comes from the people is known as
Popular Sovereignty
These colonies were established with trade in mind because of its warm climate and fertile soil, perfect for growing cash crops
Southern colonies
Cotton, tobacco, and sugar are known as these agricultural wealth producers.
Cash Crops
The Federalist leader who created the National Bank.
Also secretary of treasury under George Washington
Alexander Hamilton
What was the name of the group in the colonies who supported the American Revolution?
The ecomonic principle that the colonies were meant to create wealth for the mother country.
The Anti-Federalists insisted on this before signing the Constitution
Bill of Rights
The principle that states that powers not delegated (given) to the federal government are given to the states and the people.
When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?
July, 4th. 1776
What group is describes below:
-Worked in the colonies for up to 7 years
-Exchanged labor for voyage to the new colonies
Indentured Servants
What document states, "All men are created equal" and people have "unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Declaration of Independence
This amendment guarantees the right to protest
1st Amendment
This branch is responsible for writing laws
Legislative Branch
This amendment abolished slavery
13th Amendment
What was the name of the meeting where the Constitution was drafted?
Constitutional Convention
The term length (years) of a US President
The act that placed taxes on paper products in 1765.
Stamp Act
What geographical landmark was the French & Indian war over?
Ohio River Valley
How many amendments are in the Constitution?
What is my name? I helped Lewis & Clark during their expedition in order to navigate native lands and languages
a party that supported the common man, and was led by Thomas Jefferson....
This was the first permanent British settlement in North America (1607)
What NAACP stand for
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
The French and Indian War was won by this country
What event proved that the Articles of Confederation was a weak document that needed to be changed?
Shays' Rebellion
NAACP lawyer that fought in the Brown v Board of Education
Thurgood Marshall
This man was is considered the "father" of the Constitution & is the 4th president of the US
James Madison
This group of people supported a strong national government and creating a new Constitution
What is my name? I'm the slave that led one of the most notorious slave rebellions in US history that killed 55 white people INCLUDING Turner's former slave masters and their baby
Nat Turner
The Virginia Plan wanted representation in Congress to be based on this
Which treaty ended the American Revolution?
Treaty of Paris 1783
The 2 houses that make up Congress
Senate and House of Representatives