Gilded Age
Vietnam War
Cold war/Progressive Era
Amendments to the Constitution
Period from 1865 to 1900 where entrepreneurs were able to reap huge profits for themselves. It was a period of new innovations, rise of new industries, and production.
What is Gilded Age?
Describe the Domino Theory.
What is belief that if one country fell to communism, many other would follow?
What is the name of the female social reformer who lead an anti-lynching campaign and organized a national crusade.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
What is the name of the amendment to the U.S. Constitution, that changed the voting age from 21 to 18 years old.
What is the 26th Amendment?
Regulated the amount of goods that a consumer could obtain. During WWII this method was introduced to avoid public anger over shortages and share in the sacrifices of war.
What is rationing?
Inventor of the light bulb. The creation of electricity lead to the rise of machines, streetcars and subway trains.
Who is Thomas Edison?
Act required Pres to inform Congress of any commitment of troops abroad within 48 hrs and to withdraw them in 60-90 days unless congress approves
What is War Powers Resolution (1973)?
What is the name of the idea that fell over Eastern Europe and Western Europe to cut off travel and communication. Eastern European nations become "satellites" of the Soviet Union?
What is Iron Curtain?
The amendment to the U.S. Constitution that repealed the 18th amendment on prohibition (the ban or sale of alcohol)?
What is 21st Amendment?
Order permitted military commanders to require Japanese Americans to relocate to interior interment camps away from Western coastal regions. What is the name of the law created by President Roosevelt during WWII?
What is Executive Order 9066?
Labor union that was created by Samuel Gompers, was a national federation of Different craft unions of skilled workers.
What is the American Federation of Labor (AFL)?
Law that was passed in 1958, in response to the launching of Sputnik by Russia focused on math and science
What is National Defense Education Act (NDEA)?
Event were U.S. and its allies supplied West Berlin. When the Western allies Russia created a blockade between Eastern and Western Berlin.
What is Berlin Airlift?
Amendment that allows for the direct election of senators?
What is 17th Amendment?
British passenger ship that left NY City for Liverpool. A German submarine sank this passenger ship, killing more than 1,000. What is the name of this sink?
What is the Lusitania?
First mass for of transportation that was completed in 1869. It made it possible to travel to California.
What is the Transcontinental Railroad?
Describe what the Supreme Court Decision in Tinker v. Des Moines?
What is students had the right to wear armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War as freedom of speech under 1st amendment?
Founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored people (NAACP). He believed that African Americans should be aggressive and fight for equal opportunities.
What is W.E.B. DuBois?
What is the purpose of the 16th Amendment?
What is allows for income tax?
Declaration of the principle of "freedom of the seas"----the right of neutral nations like the U.S. to ship non-military goods to nations at war. What is the name of this idea?
What is Unrestricted submarine warfare?
What is the name of the event where labor leaders were blamed when a bomb exploded during the demonstration of striking workers at Square in Chicago.
What is Haymrket Affair?
what was the term that described the public’s skepticism over Pres. Johnson’s administrations; statements and policies on the Vietnam War?
What is credibility gap?
What is the name of the group of individuals that examined the rise of industry and examined business practices affecting consumers?
Who are Muckrakers?
Describe the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?
What is if the President of the U.S. resigned or dies in office the Vice-President becomes President
The final terms that ended up being extremely harsh to Germany and other defeated powers. This was often called the "War Guilt" clause to the agreement that made germany pay for the war.
What is trench Treaty of Versailles?