Civil War and Reconstruction
Industrial Revolution
World Affairs through WWI
Roaring Twenties
Northern plan to?blockade Southern ports, seize the Mississippi, divide the Confederacy and capture Richmond
What is the Anaconda Plan?
Known as People’s Party, this political party formed in 1891 to advocate for a larger money supply (coinage of “free silver”), and government ownership of railroads. ?
What is Populist Party or the goals of the Populist Party?
Foreign policy that discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Granted women the right to vote, ?as reward for women’s efforts in ?the war/ Efforts made by the ?National Women’s ?Suffrage Association?(NAWSA)
What is the 19th Amendment?
The US foreign policy from 1939-1941
What is Non-Intervention?
Northerners who came to the south for political and economic advantages. Southerners who sided with Northern Republicans and supported Reconstruction.
What are carpetbaggers and scalawags?
An organization controlled by a boss that gets citizens to vote for its candidate on election day Ex. Boss William Tweed ran Tammany Hall, NYC
What is a political machine?
Belief that westward expansion of the US was not only inevitable but a God-given right
What is Manifest Destiny?
Economic Boom Buying on Margin / Installment Buying Bull Market – a stock market in which stock prices were steadily increasing as result of speculation /Hawley Smoot Tariff – highest tariff in history Stock Market Crash and bank runs
What are causes of the Great Depression?
The systematic slaughter of millions of Jews and other peoples
What is the Holocaust?
Laws in the United States after the Civil War that limited civil rights and civil liberties of African Americans
What are the Black Codes?
A belief that the best and most qualified will survive in business
What is Social Darwinism?
America can intervene when it seems necessary to maintain stability in the Western Hemisphere. [an extension of the Monroe Doctrine]
What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
Federal government (FDR’s) laws promoting recovery and providing relief to Americans. Examples Works Progress Administration
What is the New Deal?
The cities where the US dropped the atomic bomb on Japan
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
A system in which a farmer tended a portion of a planter’s land in return for a share of the sale of crops Kept many southern whites and blacks in debt
What is sharecropping?
A person who favors native born Americans over immigrants /Portrayed hostility, hatred, and distrust of new immigrants
What are Nativists?
This war revealed that the US had become a world power AND is also considered a major turning point in US History
What is The Spanish American War?
African Americans wanted to demonstrate that they could produce great works of literature and art
What is what African American writers, artists and musicians hoped to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?
Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, D-Day, V-E? Day, V-J Day
What is the sequence of events in WWII?
The catalyst for the secession of the first 7 Southern States?
What is the election of Abraham Lincoln?
Henry Flager and John D. Rockefeller
What is who built the Florida East Coast Railroad?
Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve the US in foreign wars.
What is the reason that the United States ultimately failed to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?
Americans came to expect the federal government to help them solve their economic problems.
What is how the popular attitudes toward the federal government shifted during the Great Depression?
February 19, 1942, President Franklin Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, granting the U.S. military the power to ban tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry from areas deemed critical to domestic security.
What is the result of Korematsu v United States?