World War I
The Great Depression
World War II
Cold War

These were used to protect soldiers from modern weaponry.

What are trenches?


This is the popular nickname given to the 1920s. 

What are the Roaring Twenties?


FDR created many new government funded programs meant to get Americans back to work and provide relief for the Depression. 

What is the New Deal?


America used this weapon to end the war with Japan. 

What is the atomic bomb?


This political cartoon shows the intense competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop nuclear weaponry. 

What is the arms race?


President Wilson came up with these 14 ideas in preparation for the peace treaty that would end the war. 

What are the 14 Points?


These women were all about fashion, dancing, and fun. They wore shorter and looser clothes and focused on enjoying all life had to offer. 

What are flappers?


This event officially started the Great Depression when stock values crashed, leading to the loss of millions of dollars. 

What is the Stock Market Crash of 1929?


Japanese airplanes dropped bombs on naval ships and airplanes located at this base. This officially pulled America into the war. 

What is Pearl Harbor?


He spearheaded the Army-McCarthy hearings that put accused communists on trial. 

Who is Senator Joseph McCarthy?


He was the president of the United States during World War I.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This title refers to the period when the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcohol in the US was illegal. 

What is Prohibition?


This natural disaster occurred out west and was caused by severe drought and poor farming methods. 

What is the Dust Bowl?


People on the Home Front were encouraged to play their part in the war by using less and saving what they could. 

What is rationing?


This term was used to describe the widespread fear in America of communist influence in the 1950s

What is the Red Scare?


One of the ideas in the 14 Points; this group would be made up of representatives from around the world who would meet to discuss peacekeeping efforts. 

What is the League of Nations?


This movement was spearheaded by middle class white women who encouraged others to abstain from drinking alcohol. 

What is the Temperance Movement?


He was the President of the United States when the Great Depression began. People were so critical of his "lack" of help that they named shantytowns after him. 

Who is Herbert Hoover?


Americans teamed up with Britain in this invasion of beaches in Normandy France. It was the largest amphibious invasion seen in history. 

What is D-Day?


This committee's purpose to to seek out un-"American" behaviors. 

Who is HUAC (House of Un-American Activities Committee)?


The sinking of this British passenger ship outraged Americans and ultimately pulled the United States into war. 

What is the Lusitania?


In the early 1900s, only a certain number of immigrants from each country were allowed to enter America. Once that number had been hit, entrance to America was closed. 

What is a quota?


This program put Americans to work in conservation jobs in hopes of providing relief from the Depression. 

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)


Dr. Seuss drew this political cartoon to illustrate America's policy of remaining separate from affairs in Europe. Americans believed that European affairs had nothing to do with them and getting involved would cause disaster. 

What is isolationism/neutrality?


Winston Church first used the term in a speech about the metaphorical divide between the communist east and the democratic west. 

What is the Iron Curtain?
