Chapter 7 & Chapter 8: The Gilded Age & World War I
Chapter 9: The Roaring Twenties
Chapter 10 & 11: The Great Depression, FDR, and the New Deal
Chapter 14: The Rise of Totalitarianism
Other Important Information to Know
The United States tried to stay out of World War I and not take sides with either the Central or Allied Powers. This is the definition of...



Who was the most popular movie actor during the 1920s in America? 

Charlie Chaplin 

During the Great Depression, people were worried banks would close and they'd lose all of their money. So they'd go to the banks and take all their money out, which would lead to banks actually closing. This is an example of a....
bank run

The name of a government where a one-party dictator has complete  control over the economy, the government, and the people, and there is a "cult of personality" surrounding them. Kim Jung Un, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler are examples of this form of government.



After Allied soldiers surrendered to the Japanese in the Philippines in 1942, they were forced to walk 55 miles to a peninsula in hot weather, with little food and water, with Japanese soldiers killing those who were too weak to walk. This event became known as the.....

Bataan Death March


What was the nickname of the all-black 369th infantry division that saw more combat time in France during World War I than any other American unit? 

Harlem Hellfighters 


The Scopes Monkey Trial revolved around the banning of teaching what subject in Tennessee public schools? 

Darwinism and evolution


President Hoover believed that hard work by Americans, not government intervention, would solve the economic crisis during the Great Depression. This is known as...

American individualism 


An extreme hatred for Jewish people



What two events in early 1942 boosted American morale and confidence, while lowering Japanese confidence in the war? 

Doolittle Raid and the Battle of Coral Sea. 


What is the name of someone who refuses to fight in a war, usually based on moral, ethical, or religious reasons? 

Conscientious Objector

A person who lives outside of their home country is called an...



An extremely long drought, farmers overproducing and overusing land, and poor farming techniques and practices were all the conditions that led to the...

Dust Bowl 


This country was the only major Axis power to NOT have a totalitarian government, but instead a constitutional monarchy. 



During the 1920s, overspeculation led to a lot of people investing borrowed money into the stock market that they couldn't pay back. This was the main cause of the....

Stock Market Crash of 1929. 


What amendment banned the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages? 

18th amendment


What new form of music originated from African Americans in New Orleans and became popular in the Roaring Twenties? 



In 1931, nine black boys were arrested. 8 of them were convicted and sentenced to death based on false rape allegations. The ninth boy was sentenced to life in prison. Several retrials were demanded by the U.S. Supreme Court based on not giving African Americans a fair trial and not having any African Americans as jurors. This case became known as the...

Scottsboro Boys Trial 


What military strategy (German for lightning war) was used to take over countries quickly and efficiently during World War II? 


The mass brutality and extreme crimes against humanity committed by Japanese soldiers in Nanjing in 1937 became known as the...

Rape of Nanking 

The name of the laws in southern states that legalized segregation, or the separation, of African Americans and white Americans. 

Jim Crow Laws 


What was President Harding's campaign slogan that won the hearts and minds of millions of Americans after World War I and the Spanish flu outbreak? 

"Return to Normalcy" 


What were the "three R's" of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first New Deal?  

Relief, Reform, and Recovery 


What historical event led to the United States joining World War II? 

The attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 


This tariff act was passed by President Hoover to encourage Americans to buy more American goods and stimulate the economy. Instead, European countries began placing tariffs on American products, and the Great Depression worsened. What was the name of this tariff act? 

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act 
