The 7 years war in Europe was called ____ in America
What is the French and Indian War
Name used to describe Patrick Henry
What is the "Voice of the Revolution
Under the Articles of Confederation, the power of governing was controlled by
What is State government
States disagreed on representation, and the compromise was presented by
Who is Roger Sherman
John Adams appointed ----- as Chief Justice
Who is John Marshall
Patrick Henry printed a picture of 5 colonists being killed
What is the Boston Massacare
The Continental Congress sent this document directly to King George
What is the Olive Branch Petition
This event proved the Articles of Confederation would not work
What is Shay's Rebellion
The first two political parties/viewpoints in the Constitutional Convention
Who are the Federalists and Anti Federalist
Electing the President with the most electoral votes and the Vice President with the second most votes in the 1800 election resulted in
What is the 12th amendment
The colonies protested this problem in Boston
What is taxation
The last act of the Continental Congress
What is the Declaration of Independence
In Massasschutes the farmers rebelled led by Daniel Shay over
What are farm loans
James Madison pushed for ratification by promiseing
What is the Bill of Rights
This act granted the President the power to expel or imprison immigrants
What is the Alien Acts
Samuel Adams led this protest group
Who are the Son's of Liberty
This example helped create a self-government after the revolution
What is the House of Burgesses
Shay's Rebellon made the states realize what was wrong
What problems were with The Articles of Confederation
Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, and Assembly are located
What is the First Amendment
Farmers protesting taxes by the new government resulted in
What is the Whiskey Rebellion
Thomas Paine wrote this pamphlet to inspire the revolution
What is Common Sense
After the British surrender, the first governing document was
What is the Articles of Confederation
The Constitutional Convention had two factions
What is small state vs. large state
The first President and Vice President were
Who is George Washington and John Adams
These two acts advocated nullification
What are the Kentucky and Virginia Resoulutions