Jefferson did not believe the US could purchase land because the Constitution did not state it. He used the--
What is the Elastic Clause/ Necessary and Proper/ Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18
With the purchase of Louisiana, the US began to expand, The admission of this state was a problem
What is Missouri
This inventor created interchangeable parts for machines
Who is Eli Whitney
In the 1844 Presidential election, this candidate lost because he failed to take a position on Texas annexation
Who is Henry Clay
This land was purchased in 1850 to build a railroad
What is the Gadsen Purchase
Madison's reasons for asking Congress to declare war in 1812
What is trade, impressment, and Indian violence
Henry Clay, wrote the Missouri Compromise, to ease tensions between regions of the US. The document had 3 major parts
What is Missouri admitted as a slave state, Maine admitted as a Free state and slavery was banned at north of Missouri's southern boundary. (36' 30" )
McCormick invented the reaper, which improved
What is harvesting wheat
Tyler pushed Congress to annex Texas after the 1844 election. He used ------ because it was similar to a law only a majority vote and his signature was required
What is a joint resolution of congress
As the US expanded west this philosophy called for banning slavery in territory acquired from Mexico
What is the Wilmot Proviso
The Federalists met in ----- during the War of 1812
What is the Hartford Convention
Tariffs were a tax on imports, the purpose was to
What protects American industry
Pennsylvania discovered this mineral ___ which created ___
What is hard coal and iron industry
The president must congressional support/ approval for ---
What is a treaty
The idea that slavery could be banned until the territory became a state
What is the Calhoun Resolutions
During the Federalist meeting, they discussed a new concept
What is secession
This tariff caused the South to "nullify" the tax (1828)
What is the Tariff of Abominations
As cities grew, the need for education grew, and this state became the model for public education
What is Massachusetts
John Tyler is referred to as "His Accidence" (accident) President because
What is being elected Vice President and being made President
Admitting California as a Free State, abolition of slave trade in the District of Columbia, but not slavery, organization of New Mexico/ Utah Territories, and a strong Fugitive slave law are provisions of the ----
What is the Compromise of 1850
President Monroe's administration is referred to as
What is the Era of Good Feelings
In 1832 there was a change in the nomination process of the President
What is the Party Platform and convention
The Seneca Falls Convention supported
What is women's suffrage
The boundary of the US and Canada set in Oregon Treaty is
What is the 49th parallel
Tensions between the North and South increased because of this law
What is the Fugitive Slave Law